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Need to finish and desperately need some advice

Number one I would try to get as much done before you get married. I got married near the end of my fellowship exam preparations and it was really difficult to concentrate on it, even though I had already done most of the work. Secondly, you could first of all give a chapter to someone else outside your field or any field, even someone at work, just to check it reads right, they don't have to know what it is about,  one person per chapter, or two chapters if you can bribe them! then go to your supervisor with specific questions about certain areas, say that you know he thinks it is almost there overall because if he has said so before (once is enough :-)) and you think that the areas you highlight are the ones that need work on. Ask if there is anything else you haven't included. Work on those bits, send them to him, ask again if there is anything else, just to check. Then send the whole thing to him for a final check, and tell him that is what it is. If none of that works, go to the person in charge of postgraduate students and explain your problem. They may be able to exert the right kind of pressure to get the result you want.

For humanities people: marx

I too am using Marx,  what particular aspect are you looking at? If you are looking at the effect of capitalism on workers, you might find Braverman's book 'Labor and Monopoly Capital' is worth a read, along with Edwards 'Contested Terrain' Wolff's 'Why read Marx Today' may be of use too. There are lots of things going for Marx, but there are also many opponents, some of whom I think are opposing the theories because they are a bit to close to home. Look at the stuff by Rikowski online for some more ideas on Marx in the modern world. I must admit to finding Marx very hard going at times, sometimes i just want to say, 'for heaven's sake just get on with it':$. (As I have said before though, once when I was reading 'Capital' someone asked me which capital was he writing about, was it London :-)) I don't think he will go away though, some ideas are still valid now -although it is probably better for the capitalists to suggest that the ideas are behind the times

Publishing papers, and reference questions

ref depends maybe on the style you are using. Mine go Name of the author of the material, (or the company or whatever), date - (this is usually on the site somewhere and is the date the material was uploaded), title in italics, then you put: [Online] Available from http://www. etc. [Accessed and the date of access}.

so where do I go from here

Being a part-time studetn you do sometimes get forgotten, but it is just an oversight, not intentional I think. Have you changed to a faculty that has a different code of conduct? This might have affected your need to look more closely at the ethics section with that difference in mind. Some universities have, on their websites, examples of the kind of things that they expect to see. If you can, have a look at a few and see if you can use the info to get yours in line with what is required. It isn't that uncommon for things to get a bit stuck in ethics. After all it is an important step. As for the title, One of my supervisors suggested it as being vague enough for them 'not to know what you are really doing', but then someone else in the faculty said they didn't understand what I was going to be doing!

Should I have apologised

This has really cheered me up! No apology necessary, but the people behind may be able to dine out on the tale of the time they were in this supermarket queue and...

Discussion chapter

I agree, discussion chapter is where you bring together all the stuff you have done and talk about it ( at least that is what I am going to do :$. Then when you get to the final chapter, that is where the limitations go - that where you can also tell them the bit you want to research next in the light of the findings you have made. :-).

questionnaire costs

if they don't match I would probably go with the web one, although if there is a phone number, you could always give it a ring and check. If this is a pilot, are you sure you are not going to get the same result with the actual thing? i suppose whoever deals with the post may just send stuff back if it isn't addressed to someone in person who is still there. Sometimes it is a way of informing the sender that their info is out of date.:-)

Help. They might fail me in my PhD.

Whatever you do, tell it like it is, exactly. You must have something that shows your super gave permission, even if it is only an email. Maybe you should have informed your registry, but you can check the rules online of you are worried. Supervisors get info on the rules etc. in their meetings, so she should really have informed you, in case you didn't know. Don't panic, I bet it will be alright in the end.

questionnaire costs

Is it a long questionnaire? Is it sensitive stuff? Are these all the firms you are going to contact? If so, I guess you will have to phone them, probably several times, try to get the secretary on your side because they will be the ones who will pester the manager to fill it in. If you are sending out more, I would try to get to speak to the secreatry first, ask when would be a good time to send it in etc., if you can get them involved with the process, telling them what you are trying to do for example, they may be more willing to help you. They are paid to be nice to people who phone, but they are also there to field odd requests for their boss, which may include random questionnaires!:$(sprout) added a sprout because they are still there - why no bucket and spade, sunglasses, sailing boat etc. then? :-)

Excellent People

My very best friend at school had beauty and brains, Blue eyed blonde who got 4As at A level (the type that went with O levels) in Physics, Chemistry, Pure Maths and Applied Maths, even though in those days you were only supposed to do a maximum of 3, and me - well lets just say I never got anywhere near that. She got offered a place at one university if she got 2 Es - presumably in the hope that she would miss her first choice by - I don't know just doodling on one of her papers or something instead of answering any questions-. The redeeming thing though, was I had my own bit of talent in my own area, so we each had something to look up to in the other person which I think helped. Mind you, although we have lost touch, someone I still keep in touch with went to the school reunion (ugh!) and met her and guess what! I'm the one got more academic type qualifications now, which is a novel place to be considering where I expected her to end up! I thought she would at least be a professor of - I don't know - extreme cleverness :-)

help - i need to be concise!!

the one thing you might like to do - and I'm only saying this because it is what I do quite a lot, and my supervisor likse it - is to get some of this stuff down in table or chart form. For example if you have say 5 possible theories, you could put down the main hypothesis for each one, then the pathways, you could show where they might interconnect and where they diverge, you could then focus on one or two, and then the rest could be noted as possible areas for further research.

Telling supervisor I'm going to submit-second opinions?

When I was doing my thesis for my masters I had virually no help from the supervisor at all, he had no interest in the subject and told me so. He looked at nothing except the final version where he asked if I wanted to pass or pass well... He was so uninterested that when I asked him what the submission deadline was (I was submitting at a different date to others as I had had to wait to complete a final modlue before I could do this, having done all the rest the previous year, even though I was part time and was submitting in the spring) he said he didn't know and didn't even offer to find out. His lack of interest made me miss a distinction by 0.6%, not that that was my aim anyway. I must admit though that reading it now makes me cringe a bit, it wasn't anywhere near as good as it would have been with a bit of help, which was partly my fault for not insisting he did his job properly, and if I had the chance again I would rewrite it. You, on the other hand have had the help of your supervisor so far, so I would probably just drop them an e-mail saying that you have taken her comments on board so far, and would like to submit now, rather than have it drag on, say if you don't hear by, say, Thursday, you will assume she has no objections, and then submit it. Good luck

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

the one thing I would say is make sure you keep going with the deadline as set in mind. If they give it to you, then you will have the body of the work done, and can spend time in refining it if you think you need to do so, but if not, you wil still be able to submit.


its the Sony touch, I bought it last year - and I still haven't got round to putting all the journals on it :-(


Forgot to add I also read somewhere that you don't actually own the book, just the virtual copy, and you can't pass it on to anyone else - and a bit more alarming - they can add a time limit on it and remove the book at a later date. I don't know how true those things are though, and as far as I'm concerned I like the actual book to hold, probably why my house is piled high with books I suppose