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Structure of a PhD

Hi guys :-)

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I have a meeting with one of the project supervisors this afternoon to discuss my many questions that I have! It does seem from all your feedback it is very dependant on the institution that you study with so I'll go find my specifics...

Thanks again

Structure of a PhD

Aloha guys :-)
Very new to this site and to the idea of completing a PhD... Hoping to apply for a biochemistry/microbiology PhD at a university in Scotland and looking for some general info on studying for a PhD!
1) Do you also study for other modules whilst completing your research?
2) Do you only study during academic trimesters (i.e. off for xmas/new year or summer)?
I apologise if there was previously a thread regarding this (did look through a few pages) but I am a mother of two with a husband who travels frequently for business so having to take in all the practicalities before submitting my application.

Thanks in advance :-)