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Research Proposal (Epidemiology / Biostatistics)

I am interested in epidemiology from a very statistical and mathematical point of view. Most projects (in my opinion) on findaphd are more biological in nature.

Research Proposal (Epidemiology / Biostatistics)

Do you think I should simply write to them and ask for a list of projects available and possibility of funding?

Research Proposal (Epidemiology / Biostatistics)

I am interested in a PhD in biostatistics / epidemiology and currently thinking of writing a good research proposal. Can anyone please suggest the format, length, and some useful links regarding this.


Postgraduate Forum goes all modern!

I can see them.

Where do you want to go for a holiday?

Titan, Mars, or the park near my house.

Grades required to apply for a PhD

"I agree with emmy, that's what I did and it paid off !"

Can you emphasize a bit please?

PhD in epidemiology or biostatistics

Well said DanB. I have studied data analysis for my masters and some other subjects and project required basic statistical knowledge so perhaps I will be OK in PhD epidemiology or biostatistics.

PhD in epidemiology or biostatistics

I have a post-graduate degree in mathematical modelling. I want to do a PhD in epidemiology or biostatistics. Is it possible? Will I qualify for admission to a PhD program?

Ph.D at the Open University

Open University is offering a PhD in a topic of my interest. Is it worth going to the Open uni? Will I have any disadvantage in getting a job after finishing the phd compared to applicants from other universities?