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HELP -phd thesis - data analysis and results ownership


I need some advice urgently. I am doing a Phd funded by a UK body. Award was to my supervisor. I was employed as research assistant and my phd fees were paid with the goal to submit the project as my phd thesis. At the end of my 3rd year ( 3 year funded project ) i submitted to my supervisor all the raw data files plus a full research report for the project. I know uni has IP of data. Now I am on my 4th year doing the PhD write up.

My supervisor demands that I give him my spss statistical analysis files and anything I have done on my phd without been given an option to write my own publications. Does he legally have the right to ask for my analysis output before I submit my thesis? It is not to check if i did anything wrong, but to have the option to use it to publish articles himself. He will put me as co author but i want to have a go on being first author.

My question is do I have ownership of the statistical analysis as part of my phd ( spss files input and output)?

thank you