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The One Goal Thread

Yay, it looks like I've got ethics approval. :-) I just need to respond to some questions the ethics committee had and them the fun starts! :-)

Next goal: lunch ;-), then the library.

Another article request(?)

Hi, I think I can get both of those. If you pm me your email address I'll send you what I found. :-)

The One Goal Thread

Good (late) morning, all you one goalers. :-)

I'm not sure what my first goal should be ... I'm waiting to hear whether the ethics committee has approved my study. I have a feeling they want to make major changes. :-( And as I have major doubts about my ability to recruit participants and feel I'm really behind anyway, I'm not too cheerful at the moment. (sprout)

Hopefully I will hear about the ethics by lunchtime, but I'm finding it impossible to concentrate on anything by then. Ho hum. I'd better get on with it. So, first goal: go back to section 3.3.4 of my lit review and keep rewriting.

Article request!

I can get this. PM me your email and I'll send it to you. :-)

Article(s) request please

I can get them. PM me your email and I'll send them to you. :-)

Insanity? or...

Hi Kami,

no, not madness - go for it! :-) It's obviously something you really want to do.

I did something similar, I started a PhD about 15 years ago and left half-way through (after 3 years, I was doing it part-time) for a number of reasons: supervisor problems, having a baby, being very fed up with it... I am now almost half-way through another PhD (full-time and fully funded this time) in a completely different subject are. I'm really enjoying it. :-) Just one note of caution: my last experience has had quite a negative effect on me and led to (or at least contributed to) major depression. It also really undermined my confidence which is still affecting me now: I constantly feel I'm not good enough and can't imagine actually completing this PhD, even though, objectively, I'm doing ok. You might not have the same issues, of course, but just be aware that your last experience might affect how you feel about doing another PhD.

Good luck with it! :-)

Article request

It's a book chapter. You can have a look at it on google books and amazon - between the two of them you might be able to read all of it. ;-)



2nd reserve for ESRC funding - do I stand a chance?

Congratulations! :)

Quote From PsychGrad:

They just seem to have disappeared *insert evil laugh here* ;-)

You don't happen to have a new patio, do you?


Setting up a website

Thanks for the suggestions. :) I hadn't even though of checking whether the university would host it. :$ I'll have a look at Wordpress. Thanks. :)

Convinced I'm going to fail- but what will be will be

Hi Pineapple, I really feel for you it sounds like such a stressful situation! Do try not to waste any energy on focusing on the negative aspects (I'm sure you know that!). I know it's easier said than done, but try and relax (yes, do take some time off today!) and then try to focus on constructive preparation for the viva. It sounds like your thesis has got a lot of positive aspects, try and concentrate on those. Good luck. :)

I need this article, please!

Sorry, I've tried but had no luck! I hope somebody else can access it for you. :)

Setting up a website

I need to set up a very basic website for my research. It just needs to contain some information about the study and a contact form for potential participants to complete. I'm not sure what to do about hosting the website - are the free webhosting sites any good? I'd be happy to pay for it, as long as it's not too much! There seem to be such a huge number of websites offering webhosting, how do you know which ones are any good? Does anybody have any suggestions?

paper help please

Hi, I can get this. PM me your email address and I'll send it to you. :)

Paying to have your thesis proofread

Provided you've got a good grasp of grammar and spelling, it might be best if you do it yourself. However, proofreading your own work is more difficult because you are so close to what is written and it's easy to skip words and miss mistakes. One good tip is to read each line from the right to the left so that you can really focus on each word in isolation. You would obviously still need to read the whole text for sense/grammar.

I used to do proofreading for a small publishing company (as well as everything else, from researching and occasionally writing to copyediting) and have to admit I really enjoyed it. Probably because I'm a bit of a pedant. :$ :) I am amazed though how often I miss things in my own writing. You really need to go through it very carefully and with a different mindset from 'the writer'.

Good luck! :)

Endnote q

Quote From Caterpillar27:

Hi, I also have an Endnote problem.

If I want to add a report etc authored by "British Caterpillar Society"
It just sets the author as British - I can change the actual reference in the text, but cannot seem to change the reference at the end of the document.
The only way I can do it is if I put British-Caterpillar-Society as the author and then I'm stuck with the dashes!!!!

Any ideas??

I've not had the 2010/2011 problem, as yet!!

I think you just put a comma after Caterpillar, but I can't check because I'm not on my computer.

I'be had the 2010 problem too - not sure if it happens every time though.