Overview of oliver9523

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My software doesn't work

Hi folks,

I'm just coming to the end of year 3 (2 months left) of study in computer vision.
My supervisor moved institute after year 1, but we kept in contact via weekly skype meetings and trips to their new Uni. I've finally transferred to their Uni for the final bit and the writeup.

I passed all the progress reviews fine (1yr, 2nd yr), I have 1 conf paper published and 1 more currently being reviewed.
I've been working on this one problem for about 18 months now and I'm really struggling to get the effin' thing to work. Without it I don't have much to contribute to knowledge and even if it works I'm not sure it's going to be very good.

Really worried the final result wont reflect 3 years worth of work but bloody hell the effort was there. What if I've not got much to show at the end of it all?