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Second Masters Degree?

======= Date Modified 03 Dec 2010 13:17:43 =======
I am limiting myself to a geographical area so that I do not have to move away from home and take on additional costs.

Within this area I only rate the two PhD programs I am applying to.

The second masters would be a last case scenario (if I dont get into the two aforementioned PhD programs). I figure it gives me another year to build up my credentials before I reapply for PhD.

The cost is also limited, I actually have made money so far through my current M.A (scholarship/teaching assistantship), so I guess it is not a big deal.

I am just wondering if my current M.A would help me get into a second M.A program?

Second Masters Degree?

I am currently finishing the first semester of my M.A degree / in the process of doing a couple of PhD applications.

I am also thinking about applying to a second M.A program as a backup, in case that I dont get into the two PhD programs I am applying to.

I was wondering if the M.A degree I am currently doing will be considered if I decided to apply to a second M.A?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.