Overview of pm133

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My Next Adventure

What makes you think the opportunities advertised on this website are for 20-30 year olds?
There is no age limit for a PhD and you are certainly not too old to undertake one.
I am sure there are older people than you on here who have done so.

You should look for opportunities which excite you and take it from there without regard for your age.
I should warn you though about your expectations. It is highly unlikely your PhD will have any serious impact on society (whatever you really mean by that). PhD students are rookie researchers. They are really designed to train you up for future impact.

Physics graduate looking to make a change. What should I do my Master's in?

It's a bit difficult for anyone to advise you if you don't tell us what you are interested in.

Who Decides the Value and the Credibility of Research Work

So basically everyone is corrupt in your field but you?
Is this the message you are trying to convey here because that's how I read your post.
I am not sure this attitude is going to be particularly helpful to you.


It's not Brexit which bothers me. After all it's a complex thing and there isn't a clear majority view on how to proceed. Such is life. It will get resolved sooner or later.

What really is getting on my nerves is the 10 percenters (the extremists) on both sides who are constantly screeching for attention. Those are the people who talk about the sky falling down if the other side get their way. If there was an internet filter for that type of person, the world would be a happier place and everyone's broadband would run a lot faster. If parliament wasnt full of this type of person we would have had a resolution to this already. I am absolutely convinced of that.

I haven't changed my position. I voted Remain and still think this is the best position but if we get a Hard Brexit then so be it. We'll be fine in the longer term either way. We had two world wars in 30 years and our country didnt collapse. Nobody will convince me that there is a form of Brexit which could cause us more difficulty than that period in our history.

How can I get better at writing essays?

It is not possible to write a first draft of any worthwhile piece of work without it having flaws of some sort.
To become a better writer you need to do just three things.

1) Write stuff.
2) Get, and act on constructive feedback.
3) Go to step 1 again. Rinse and repeat.

Corrections - Wonky References?

Your supervisor is ignoring you because you don't need their help any more at this stage. I would be very surprised if anyone redponded to your queries.
The others are correct. Just get on with the changes. You are absolutely overthinking things.

Training courses and/or skills on CV?

I have no idea what academia looks for in a CV (beyond "who you know", who really does) but, as regards industry, experience trumps training.

PhD application process

5 weeks is a long time to wait but academics can be notoriously slow at getting back to people.
I would continue to look for other opportunities in the meantime in case this one doesn't come through for you.

Should I quit my Master's after 2 months into the program? Please help!

Is your gut instinct pulling you in any particular direction?

1st class, but should I do MRes before PhD?

You have the right background to be accepted into a PhD position.
That is absolutely fine.

I'm not clear on what your other problem is though.
Are you unsure if you want to commit to 4 years?

Making all the wrong moves when changing PhD

There's a lesson here for others. When you make rash decisions it can unfortunately seriously limit your options going forward - certainly in the short term.

You need to find a way of stepping back and thinking about your longer term options here and that may well include leaving academia for a while.

For anyone else in this situation, I would strongly advise three things:-

1) Never ignore more than one warning about a supervisor.
2) Always avoid making emotionally charged decisions. Ego-based decisions will leave you hanging out to dry more often than not.
3) Find another job BEFORE you quit your current one unless you have enough money to support yourself for 6 months without work.

Of course, circumstances might dictate a more rash approach but it's best to avoid that if at all possible.

Good luck with your situation. Hopefully another PhD position will come along before you have to go down another career route.

Do family understand

I read an article by Mary Portas who said that during your life you should surround yourself with Radiators and avoid Drains like the plague.
Great advice. Family members should never be allowed to be exempt from this rule.
Life is tough enough without carrying other people's baggage from their own unfulfilled dreams on your shoulders.

Fish or Cut Bait? Go or No? Can 2 PhD's build a life together?

Your subsequent posts are ringing further alarm bells for me.
One leaps out immediately which is his apparent unwillingness or inability to express his clear thoughts to you about the choice you are facing. You call it maddening. I would say it was more than that. He has a responsiblitity to be honest and open with you. As part of a couple, he doesn't get to stay quiet on such a major relationship-affecting issue and leave you to make the decision on your own. That leaves you at risk of being accused of causing any problems which then arise.

Unless you can find a compromise arrangement you might have to decide what matters more to you - career or a relationship with this man. You have been with him for two years so you should know as much about him as you're ever likely to know. Your gut instinct should already be pulling you in one direction over the other.
There is a crude test you can do. Toss a coin and allocate career to one side and him to the other. When it lands, look at the side showing, shut your eyes and think about how you feel about your "decision". If you feel you want to change the result of the coin toss or go for "best of three" you'll know the other side is what you really want.

Fish or Cut Bait? Go or No? Can 2 PhD's build a life together?

You say that you have been dating this guy for two years but you are not talking to each other about living together. Is there a reason why you are both waiting? Surely you both know by now whether you are right for each other?

I am particularly curious over why he is talking to his friends about relationship stuff but hasn't spoken to you about those things. Are you absolutely sure this relationship has a future worth risking your career dreams over? You want to be exceptionally sure of that.

You story is ringing all sorts of alarm bells.

Listing rejected funding applications on new funding application?

Quote From Nesrine87:
Hi Tudor! Thanks for this. I think that could be a good idea, to just put one. They were both just 'general' awards, not specifically 'publication funding' (which is what I'm applying for) but it would at least show that I tried to get funding elsewhere. I was also planning on submitting another pending application so I'll have that on there too.

The problem is that you say they ask for details of ALL funding requests for this work. If you omit something you could be in trouble.