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First day of PhD but found out my stipend is 1500 e/month instead of 2800 e/month.

Quote From ceylan:
To be honest, people like you piss me off. I mean I have been trying forever to get a PhD position and I have had no luck for one reason or the other. NEVER have I thought about money. I love research with a passion. I could even get on with 750EUR per month if I had to. Give me your marie curie scholarship, I am sure I would make better use of it than you ever could.

Whoa hang on. I am not sure the original poster deserves that sort of response. If you are struggling to get funding then that is your issue to resolve. Personal attacks on other posters really isn't on. This isn't Twitter.
I can't believe that I am saying that to other people given my own posting record but there you go :-D

Crossroads for Academic Career

I have to point out that it does not need to take months to find your first non academic job.
It MIGHT, but it can just as easily happen overnight depending on what you are looking for.

Freelance scientist

Quote From emmawood:
No, I'm not aware of any but I do have some knowledge. You can join a group that shares the same interest and go through the same challenges. Also, There aren't that many scientists in the world, and you can easily penetrate the market if your services are carefully packaged and professionally marketed. You can also limit your skills area to only chemistry, engineering or physics. his way, you will be able to attract specific clientele over time and build a reputation as an authority in the field.

This post fails the Turing test for me I'm afraid.

Dissertation Help pls

Quote From sunnyday93:
You may try consulting Supreme Essays, they've got a lot of tips concerning better dissertation writing, you may request some suggestions as well.


Dealing with Stress/Depression/Anxiety

Quote From sunnyday93:
I've been suffering social anxiety and depression for a really long time already, and I still didn't manage to find a way to deal with it... It became a problem not only for me, but also for my parents, friends, I became a sociopath, I don't know what to do anymore...

If I were you, I would close down your scam website SupremeEssays and get a meaningful job which doesn't involve academic corruption. That would make you feel better in my opinion.

Getting Help Writing Essays

Quote From sunnyday93:
When I have some difficult topics, which I'm absolutely not fluent in, I use SupremeEssays, sometimes just for a few ideas, tips, or to develop the right algorithm of writing.

You are peddling bullshit my friend but nice try.

Final year Thesis related problem

Quote From AislingB:
If the English in this post is any indication of the quality of work produced by these people, then the only 'extra ordinary' thing about the grade on any assignment that they write is likely to be how low it is!

You should try following the link to their website if you want a real belly laugh.

Final year Thesis related problem

Quote From asktutorhelp:
Your thesis research project is an important part of your study.You picked up getting data by writing looks, web seeks, performing tests, assessing your outcomes and composing reports as well as giving introductions. yourself what particular information/abilities you need to master amid the proposition venture. Second, is the foundation of the subject inspiring you? On the off chance that you don't care for the foundation of the subject it will diminish the shot of progress.

Who amongst us can honestly say they have not lost sleep for fear of doing something to "diminish the shot of progress"?

How were your viva examiners selected?

A wide variety of experiences above.
I was asked if I knew anyone or had any preferences or wanted to exclude anyone.
My supervisor then presented me with a shortlist of people he thought would give me a tough but fair viva and we discussed it together. The main thing was to choose an examiner who wouldn't be a total arsehole (and there are plenty of them out there) because that would have likely ended in disaster as the two of us would have clashed strongly.
In the end it was my internal who I clashed with during the viva. So much so that the external had to calm things down. I can smile about it now but at the time I was a very unhappy bunny.

Is a PhD with a 2:2 and a pass at Masters possible?

Quote From bignige:
Some of the comments in this thread reference grades have brought a wry smile to my face!

I have a 3rd in my first degree attained 34 years ago - and a pass in my Masters (23 years ago) - and at 56 years of age have to date received THREE offers from Universities in the UK.

One Professor (highly qualified (Oxbridge/Harvard)) and with around 40 years of experience, in particular emailed and told me that my proposal was "an accomplished piece of work" and that he would be "delighted" to supervise me.

And, the subject matter of the proposal is an area that I have no recent academic nor work experience in.

And, finally, even at my age and with what some on here would doubtless consider to be inappropriate, and perhaps even appalling grades, I am confident that I will attain a PhD...


Whilst you are perfectly welcome to challenge my views nige, I have not used the phrase "appalling grades" so I would appreciate it if you did not to attempt to put words in my mouth.
As regards your offers, I have attempted to explain why people with lower grades are being offered positions within PhD programs and I am doing so from the position of having completed a PhD and having routinely discussed such matters with academics themselves over several years. You may be the exception. You will find out soon enough but you need to be at least aware of what goes on before you start. Certainly you should be very careful trusting the opinions of professors regardless of which university they are attached to. This forum is absolutely packed with threads about students being shafted by academics who had previously whispered sweet nothings into their ears in the early days of the PhD. It can be brutal if you get a few months in and find you either lack or cannot speedily gain the academic background required to be successful. You are not in a position to know how you will cope until you start so it might be worth putting your wry smile on hold until you start and in the meantime taking on as much freely given and honest advice as you can get from those who have gone through the process - both on here and elsewhere. Yes, even the opinions you don't agree with.
Also, most people who attempt a PhD would appear to graduate. That was not the point I was trying to make.

Peace of mind

Quote From Sofi:
We are five PhDs (Let me name them X, Y, Z, A and B) under my adviser. We share common labs and common grad office room. We like to share with each other our frustrations regarding PhDs, express the dissatisfaction about our adviser, future after PhD and other pep talks. As we are five of us in team, it is very normal not to like everything that other person does. So currently I have found myself in a very weird situation in which colleagues pair up and bad mouth the one who is not there. It’s not always the same group of people though, for e.g. sometime its X, Y, Z who talk bad about B, sometime its all four talking bad about A, sometime it A and B talking against rest all. So I kinda feel, basically, its everyone who talks bad about other, at different point of time. Personally I do not want to be a part of it but I am not being able to stay away from it. When the amount of frustration and tension is very high, then you automatically tend to speak out things that was not needed to be mentioned. There has been times when bad things told about me have reached to me through loops of ears. This gives me unnecessary mental stress. I am wondering how I can avoid this kind of politics going on. I am totally not interested in other’s life. I want to concentrate in my PhD and concentrate only in my stuff. I am trying to find how can I handle the situation. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you.

If I have read your post properly, it sounds like you have been engaging in this activity as well.

It's perfectly natural to bitch about people behind their backs from time to time but it needs to be a rare thing to do and you need to be careful to only say things you wouldn't mind them finding out you'd said.

My advice? Cut it out, ditch the group and get on with your work.

My department purposefully delayed my viva and being so unprofessional. Should I report this?

Quote From alexandercarey1989:
Quote From TreeofLife:
Maybe this person just made a mistake?

Honestly, I would just leave it. I know this sounds like a big deal to you because it's your viva, but in the grand scheme of things, this isn't a massive issue for the person involved. The Dean will ignore you or best case scenario, apologise. If anything is said to the person who made this error, it will be simply, be more careful next time, and to the person's manager, make sure you have checks in place so this doesn't happen again. It's really not worth your time.

That's what I think too although I will heavily criticize my department when 'Evaluation Form' gets distributed to me once I graduated :)

When you have graduated you will have enough on your plate without wasting your time on petty stuff like this.
Once you have gone, your evaluation form will be binned if you go to town on it.
You should have chased up the uni after a couple of weeks had passed and you need to accept partial responsibility for the delay in my opinion.

Project Management Software

I used project management software in industry but I didn't use it for my PhD.
It seemed a bit unnecessary. I used a todo list in a notebook and that served me very well.
On a personal level I absolutely hate putting physical time deadlines on anything I do unless it is absolutely essential. It's a guaranteed way to stress myself out.

First day of PhD but found out my stipend is 1500 e/month instead of 2800 e/month.

I am a little confused here.
You did your research into this funding route as you demonstrate in your post and then you signed a contract without checking the amount of money you were to be paid? You also appear to have realised that some universities wouldn't allow the full rate but you didn't check whether your university was one of them and signed anyway?
I am confused about why you are venting and it is strange that you want to blame the Marie Curie awards people. It seems like you were in control of the entire process from start to finish. Learning to check the salary is an painful lesson to have to learn in this way but I suppose you won't make that mistake again. You don't appear to have done your research properly and there is nobody to blame but yourself. We all make mistakes in life and you will certainly make worse mistakes than this. Own the mistake and learn from it would be advice.

PhD problem with supervisor

Quote From suji_menon:
I was doing my PhD under a supervisor who would constantly demotivate me, threaten me and expected me to work all round the week including sunday. Even while working under this supervisor, I tried coming with many novel ideas for my research. But my ideas will not be approved by my supervisor and my supervisor expected me to do some random things for the supervisor's benefit and which have not contributed to my research. After few years with this supervisor, i became constantly stressed and which affected my personal / family life. It also changed my mindset to be in constant fear and stress. At one point, my supervisor crossed limits in stressing me and finally i took up the issue and changed this supervisor to another supervisor. Now eventhough i changed my supervisor, i see my previous supervisor daily in my lab where my previous supervisor comes to visit other students. And whenever i see my previous supervisor in lab, my heart beat starts to pump more, experiencing the trauma, have butterflies in my stomach. Because of this sometimes i will even leave the lab to have a coffee break and will only come back after 30-40 mins so that my previous supervisor would have left the lab by that time. Is there any way i can overcome this fear of seeing my previous supervisor ? Has anyone experienced similar situations ? Would like to get your advice and suggestions. Thanks

Yeah I used to be like this until I learned how to "ghost" people. I pretend they are not in the room by focussing on something else and always making sure when I move about that I do so with purpose. The first time I did it, I thought my heart would explode. Within a few days it was as though these people were simply dead to me. If your brain is fully somewhere else when you walk past them you will stop looking and feeling awkward. It's maybe time for you to learn how to daydream when walking about. BTW I would leave the lab when this person was around if it was an issue.