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Wednesday's particularly question - supervisors

Is it possible to not have a supervisor? I mean I prefer working on my own initiative

suffering and no reward for doing a PhD?

See http://ringmar.net/forgethefootnotes/?p=97 - after reading this, I am seriously considering withdrawing my funding acceptance.

supervising undergrads in final yr

i have never heard of PhD students supervising FYPs - at my university they are all done by lecturers...thankfully

should I go?

don't go

Game: 10,000 bottles of beer - last one wins

9,999 bottles of beer on the wall,
take one down,
pass it around,
9,998 bottles of beer on the wall

DVD Box sets will see you through!

Star Trek - 5+ series to choose from

Game: 10,000 bottles of beer - last one wins

1:Everybody can take upto 10 bottles per hour!
(1 Hour is the minimum of pause between your posts!)
2:Winner is the person which takes last bottle.

10,000 bottles of beer on the wall,
take one down,
pass it around,
9,999 bottles of beer on the wall.