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Supervisor not interested in my work

first I would like to apologize for my bad English, but I hope you will understand my problem.
I am the last year of my PhD (international student) and have a scholarship. The main research topic of my Department is totally different of my research field and we even don't have the basic equipement for my research. The labaratory with equipment that I need is 100 km far away from the place where I study and it is another institution. I don't have driving licence to go there and it is very complicated to go by bus because I have to take samples with me which need very stable conditions. My supervisor just tells me "find a way to go there" and even don't make any arrangement with stuff there so every time when I ask them if I can come to their lab to measure, I feel very bad because I am occupying their place and taking there time. If he sad something to them, it would be much easier because he is really famous proffesor. Anyway, I go there by bus what is very exausting and he never asks me how it was. I need to take bag of 10kg with samples every time and I am a girl of 52kg .
He never asks me about my results, discuss with me about them and I don't have any other person on department to discuss with because nobody is interested in my topic. When I tell him something, he tells OK, check it and when I mention it to him next time, he behaves like he hears about that for the first time. He also doesn't answer on my e-mails. I was measuring last 2 weeks to check some method which he's proposed and finaly did it and was happy to send it to him and to show him result and he didn't answer me on email. I have got an award for 4 month visit to another Institute and forwarded him an email and he even did not say anything about that when he saw me later.
These are only few examples of our relation.
I always have to come to his office first and to tell him news and I always feel like I interrapt him and that he waits to finish conversation with me in 3 minutes. He has 4 more phd students and I think he has diferent relation with them. One is in my office and sometimes I see he sents him an email and does not answer on mine.
I am trying really hard and working a lot and obtain some results and don't have anybody to help me. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I am feeling realy bad because of it. They are threating me realy bad at the department from beginning - for example I have a scholarship and they do not pay me at all. Another students that have scholarships have additional money from the Department to be equal with those employed. I would realy like to give up and to go back to my country, but I it is too late now and I want to finish but don't know how without any support.