Overview of satchi

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Being Single v Having a Partner

hi Hopper
I haven't seen "in a relationship" being listed as one of the options for status - it's usually only single, married, divorced

If you are not married yet you haven't become a double so you are single :-)

Oh yes - status does not affect your chances for scholarship application

help with paper

thanks emmaki, will try that! I am also looking for similar papers :-)

help with paper

aww..thanks anyway :-)

Transcription madness

oh my! you have my sympathies!!!! I also really don't like transcriptions! Are you doing verbatim? Here is one consolation though -- if you are transcribing the lot, you can always go back to the data to make more papers...

I motivate myself by allowing myself to watch one episode of TV series after I have done something.. so far I have finished Walking Dead (silly series, but what the heck), then I watched Tale of Tales on gazefree (absolutely loved this movie) and every monday hope to do enough to reward myself with Game of Thrones.


help with paper

that's ok tudor_queen, thanks for trying!
@hugh - I'm not sure which database, maybe EBSCO? I actually found this when I was searching for journals on special needs education.

thanks anyways

help with paper

thank you Tudor_Queen :-)

Applying for university admin jobs

best of luck Tree

help with paper

hi, does anyone have access to the International journal of Special Needs Education?
Would really appreciate help with this one

Henri V Pesonen, Elina K Kontu, and Raija A Pirttimaa (2015) Sense of Belonging and Life Transitions for Two Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Finland. Journal of International Special Needs Education: October 2015, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 73-86.



Neuroscience OR medicine?

Quote From MrFox:
Quote From satchi:
medicine - after 6 years of study and some years of struggle, by the time you are in your 40s you could be set for life. You could even look for work as a "real" doctor outside Germany etc. People will worship the ground you walk on!

Are you being sarcastic? Because I honestly can't tell :D

hi! no I'm not being sarcastic, I totally mean it. Do you know how doctors are treated in countries like India...they are almost "worshipped", hardly questioned .... Set for life means you don't have to worry about jobs like the rest of us


Neuroscience OR medicine?

medicine - after 6 years of study and some years of struggle, by the time you are in your 40s you could be set for life. You could even look for work as a "real" doctor outside Germany etc. People will worship the ground you walk on!

If you did a phd, you might still be looking for a job in your 40s.

qualitative research question

thanks Hugh!

qualitative research question

chickpea that is a great idea

qualitative research question

hi everyone thanks for your replies. It's something like this:

say I have identified six themes from the data, but x number of subjects have offered "explanations" for three of the themes which couldn't fit into the results

at the moment I am writing up the discussion but haven't found any place to put in the quotes (yet -- or maybe not)


qualitative research question

Need some advice please. When writing up on qualitative work, can we put participant quotes in the discussion? I've looked at the data which shows information not asked for in the Results section, but could go into discussion.


methods on Poster

hi bilbo,
this will only be pointed out by someone who scrutinizes the graphs

if you want to use that graph anyway, how about putting a symbol on the graph and then there is a footnote in smaller print about the samples that have been left in slightly longer? that would explain the differences shown