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Absolutely terrible PhD interview

I know it's been more than seven years since this thread was last active but I thought I'd share my experience and hopefully get a view point of others. I had a phd interview last week and this was my second interview as I had also applied and given the admission test (written subject test) and interview a year before at the same institute with the same supervisor. Though my supervisor had given me clear tips on how to answer specific questions in the interview, I messed up and had a brain freeze and couldn't answer as she had told me. I really want to kill myself for being so stupid and dumb. I was extremely nervous and restless that day with a panel of seven people and as the panel was quite critical in the way that they were asking, one of the interviewers were extremely harsh and even told me that I would not finish within 3 years if I hadn't been more specific and that my attitude is not good. I was extremely exhausted before the interview because I couldn't sleep or get rest from three days before the test and I don't blame the interviewers because I might have been rude in my way of speaking and attitude.(as I think I am when I don't get rest) I regret that I should have been more slow in speaking and listened to the questions more carefully before answering. My supervisor didn't even make an eye contact through out the interview. Should I apologize my supervisor for my stupidity in an email? Maybe I should have sent her an apology mail about this immediately after the interview but I thought that it might not be a good idea to talk on this issue before the result is out. Kindly please advise if anyone has also gone through this and on what would be the best way to make up for my stupidity.