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Ohh...does anyone know if I can use Jabref to import all my references from microsoft reference manager, so that I can put them into BibTeX and then use them in LaTeX?

Have just discovered LaTeX and am going to write my thesis in it (hopefully)!

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

It's 9:17 here in London, and am checking in for the day! I tend to stick to 9-5 with my working, and try and do some reading in the evenings and weekends at home.
Today's Aims:

1. Finish some analyses for a consultancy project that I have been working on. The data set is on electrographic seizures in children, but I have no idea what it means, as I am just a humble statistician.
2. Brainstorming for 0 drafts of introduction chapter.
3. Read and make nots on some papers I have already read but didn't make notes on at the time. Going to do this in the library at about 1:30.
Hope everyone has a good day today, will check back in later this afternoon!

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Hey guys, seems that everyone is busy working and managing to get a lot done!

Lara- thanks for your comments. I think sometimes I do expect to much of myself in terms of what I can get done in a day. The book sounds good am, definatly going to invest in it- my biggest fear is writing I am just so crap at it!

Anthropologa- well done on finishing your aims for the day!

Zylynne- good luck with refining your draft and have fun at lunch!

Olivia- it’s nice to have you back here and in the other forum! I have missed your random posts that make me laugh!

Using Dr Title ...

But does not a marriage come with the added committments of shared house and money?

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Today's Aim's:
1. Read a paper I have written and make changes on the draft, so it can be submitted for peer review to supervisors and contributors.
2. Finish slides for a journal club on Thursday, where I have chosen the paper. Also to write some notes in word on the slides.
3. Brainstorm some ideas for writing a zero-draft of my introduction.
I managed to finish reading through the paper and have typed up all the changes, including producing a new graph.
Have finished all but 3 slides of the presentation and finished most of the notes. I will finish this on the train home (approx. 1 hour).
Didn't get time to brainstorm unfortunatly, but tomorrow is a new day and 2/3 isn't bad considering that I have the concentration levels of a 2 year old!!

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Hi guys can I join the A club? I don't have the afore mentioned text book (JB?) but think this is a really great idea, and has helped me no end today. I jotted down my three aims on a post-it note on my desk and kept thinking I have to finish this as I need to write it up on here! So it really does work and helps to keep my concentration.

Using Dr Title ...

I really don't understand how changing your name to your partners upon marriage, makes an imbalance in a relationship? Surely changing your surname to your partners is the mark of a person who is confident with their own identity, someone who thinks that changing their name creates an 'imbalance' in the relationship should not be getting married if they think that there could be an imbalance at all.

Shani- I think that your view of marriage is a bit dark- not every marriage ends in divorce!

I hate my dentist...

hmmm...i already have an electric toothbrush that i have been using for a while now. Still got filings though, there is definatly an art to using them!

Using Dr Title ...

Sorry jojo- but I am with rosy on this one. When my partner and I get married and have children (eventually) I want us all to have one family name. My surname does not really mean that much to me I suppose, it is actually irish in decent but I am completely english. My brother has already decided to use the family first name for his son (daniel), thus carrying on the family tradition so I feel no guilt at all. And after all I will not give up my maiden name completely, I will still use it professionally as I have already published in it. I can understand why you would feel that your name is part of who you are, but I don't see how a name change will change who I am. It just feel its part of the commitment I make to my partner and our future together.

Using Dr Title ...

I'm not sure thats the rumour that I heard, but maybe I am just making things up!

Using Dr Title ...

You can't have the title Dr on your passport (unless you are an MD) for that very reason Rosy!

I hate my dentist...

I agree with Juno- i have been religiously brushing my teeth as directed- morning, evening and mouthwash after lunch! Am so scared I will do more damage to my por teeth- but at least my gums seem a lot more healthy now!

Using Dr Title ...

There is nothing wrong in not keeping your maiden name after marriage...my mother never kept her maiden name, so why would my parents expect me not to take Mr. G's surname? I have always hated my surname, as it is unusual and difficult to spell. My surname certainly does not define me, by taking the my partners surname i do not become his 'property', I just become a member of his family.

Using Dr Title ...

I won't be using my title (when I eventually get it) outside of academia. My partner and I intend on getting married after we have both finished studying so I will be Mrs. G, and will only use my title at work with my madien name. I think it will be good to keep my professsional life seperate from my family life, and my family don't really understand the whole PhD thing- my big brother keeps telling people that I am going to be a Dr. but not like a medical Dr. like Dr. Who!!!

I hate my dentist...

Ahhhh....health care such as going to the doctors or hospital tests etc. is free, but you have to pay for prescriptions if your not on benefits/under 19/pregnent etc.

You can get other services such as podiatry and physiotherapy on the nhs with a referal from your doctor, but be prepared to wait for it. Dentistry can also be free on the NHS but due to a lack of dentisit often you cannot get a place with an NHS dentist. So you always end up going private and paying.

Not sure how it works for a non-british citizen though...