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Any other PhD mums?

Welcome Farah and Halochanter!
I had twins while doing my Phd - I don't recommend it! That said, everything really depends on how organized you are, what help you have etc. There is another poster on the forum who also had twins while doing the Phd and she has now graduated - living proof that it can be done! I hope to join her one day...

DIstance learning enquiry

Hello. I am also doing my Phd from a distance and am a teacher! I would say that if you can do the hours you say, then that might be enough - you can do a lot if you are under time pressure! However, I have recently swapped from full to part time as I couldn't keep up. This was after a disastrous few months when at least one of my children was always ill. What would happen if you really couldn't keep up? Would you not be allowed extra time?

I am also a little worried that you say you will have more time during the summer - really? I suppose it depends on your children's ages and family arrangements but for me summer holidays are the killer study-wise -- all the children at home and no childcare!

Any other PhD mums?

======= Date Modified 07 Mar 2012 09:13:47 =======
Hi everyone and welcome to everyone new. :-)
I have just switched to part-time as I couldn't keep up after yet another two weeks off for illnesses (theirs not mine!) My supervisor was very supportive (I think he was fed up of the excuses!) Only you can decide whether it is doable financially though!

Cplusplusgirl - a bit late but I hope everything went well and you are enjoying time with your new baby.

Article request

If anyone has access to this, I would be very grateful!



Everything crossed for Sneaks

Been away for a few days so only just seen this - huge congratulations Sneaks! :-)

Self-plagiarism and published articles

Thank you everyone.

Self-plagiarism and published articles

Hello. I am currently working on an essay that I want to submit as a book chapter in a forthcoming volume. Of course, I have no idea if it will be accepted but I have a question for you. The article is based on data and research from my thesis (which so far only has two chapters) and I really wanted to also include this section (reworked) in my final thesis. Can I do this or is it self-plagiarism do use the same material? I don't want to fall foul of the university rules but am unsure what is allowed? Also if I am writing an article based on a PhD thesis should I "hide" the fact that it is from a thesis - would it look more professional to talk about a "research project" rather than a thesis? Sorry if these are rather obvious questions but I rarely get on to campus and never talk to other postgrads in real life so am unsure what is normal!! Thanks.

My viva, I passed!

Congratulations Dr!

Dr, Mrs or both?

I am married but, as I live in Italy, I have kept my maiden name. This isn't a problem here as everyone does it and your title isn't an official part of your name (you are automatically signora if you are not a child on documents etc). I am also a Dr! Or rather I am Dott.ssa - everyone with a degree gets this title in Italy. I only use it if it would be confusing not to. I work at a university and if I didn't people would assume I don't have a degree. If (should I say when?) I get my PhD then I will still only use Dr in an academic context. However, I will probably make an exception for my British Bank as they insist on a title and I don't like using Ms or Miss or Mrs with my maiden name!

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Happy Christmas everyone!

Any other PhD mums?

Just thought I would dust off this old thread to ask how everyone is getting on. I am currently in a state of panic as we have had two weeks of illness (the kids, not me) so very little work has been done. Now the holidays are looming and, with the schools closed, even less will be possible! How are you all going to get through the Christmas holidays?

Living alone?

======= Date Modified 16 Nov 2011 08:24:10 =======
I live with my husband and three young kids. Sometimes I daydream about living alone. ;-)

Viva experience PART II

Thank you and congratulations!

Help - some serious brain storming please

Have you tried temping agencies? OK it was a long time ago but I always used to find work quite easily through them (I can type quickly though so that helps!) Some of the jobs were pretty dire but others were interesting (at least short term) and I also got a few permanent job offers through them.

Kindle for reading papers

Another Kindle tip that I discovered relatively recently is to use it with Instapaper. You can click on any webpages that you want to read (you download a link to your toolbar) and that page or article gets saved to your Instapaper account. All the articles you have saved get sent to your Kindle once a week (or more frequently if you want).