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I am writing on this cos i am totally at my wits end. I am studying a masters course in design and I am really struggling to focus and get down to work. I love what I do but the pressure of it is making me practically useless and is meaning that i procrastinate and put off working cos i am intimidated by the magnitude of what I have to achieve. I feel like at this stage in my studies I should know what i want to do but I am now starting to question if I am in the right career path - and this scares me. Often i will find any excuse not to be working - tidying, taking time over chores, watching pointless tv. and this is meaning i am falling behind and becoming more scared.
My class is very competitive and it is expected that nobody has time to take time off of any description. My peers- particularly my flatmate - make me feel bad for time with my boyfriend/friends etc. - as i should be able to put these things on hold until my course finishes in the summer if it was important to me. I don't want a life in which is nothing but work but is this what a masters should be? and should i just accept that it shpould be constant work til the end?has anyone else found this and, more importantly, struggled with it??! the constantness of it is killing the enjoyment and i am scared that now i am going to let myself down by not producing my best work cos i cant get into and work all the time.
anyways, sorry for moaning, but it would be really helpful to hear any advice or from anyone in the same (leaking!) boat...