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PhD Life and ....romantic and sex life....

Wow..... just wow.

I was not expecting such a response from my reply. Considering the (mostly) seemingly vicious comments generated over the weekend, my original statement concerning the 'tribulations' associated with PhD life seem validated.

Lighten up.

I'd read a post by one other user here (his name alludes me) which asked people to stop bitching about the PhD process. I wholeheartedly concurred with these sentiments. Yes, everyone has a different and unique situation. This, however, does not warrant the avalanche of threads on this website primarily concerned with problems/hardship/general despondency.

There appears to be a lack of threads professing the positives associated with PhD life.

I, for one, have had far more :-) than :-(

That is all,



PhD Life and ....romantic and sex life....

I consider myself one of the more unusual PhD students: I work 25+ hours a week to fund my research. I do not have an office at uni (by request) as I am quite happy to mingle with the lowly undergrads in the library. I'm 26, and have been with my girlfriend for 3 and a half years. We moved in together 2 years ago. Our sex life is fantastic. Furthermore, she routinely states how romantic I am.

I honestly believe one must balance their life while completing a PhD. Spending more than 40 hours a week on one's doctorate is a sure way to burn out, and what's more, ruin your social/sex life.

In my opinion, the trials and tribulations often associated with a PhD are spoken by those who are unable to manage their time and life away from academia. For those of your who are in their 20s like me, this is the best time of your life. While doing a doctorate is a fantastic opportunity, life outside the university is as essential as any lab experiment.



How many Working Hours on a Full time PhD?

I'm in my fourth and final year of a PhD. I have had no funding during that time and have consequently had to work to pay bills, etc. This has been quite tough. I work about 25 hours a week, however have sometimes done more, ie. 50!
Luckily my PhD is in the Humanities so I am not required to put long hours in a lab or similar facility. Nonetheless, I often feel that should I be unsuccessful in my doctorate, my university's unwillingness to financially assist me should be held responsible! Ha!

Good luck.
