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Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

Hi guys - I WAS studying at Plymouth, but I must inform you that I just quit my PhD. I was also self funding and couldn't think of any sensible reason why I should pay out another £10k in fees. However,I wish you guys luck and I will no doubt continue my interests in this field in a different way - maybe not in an academic setting. I wish you all the best. It was great chatting xxx

Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

Hi Guys. In answer to Sara's question, my research is being done in a couple of prisons looking at the mental health of violent offenders - not very fluffy, but quite interesting. All a bit Silence of the Lambs isn't it? I'm interested to know what areas you are all in though.

Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

So it's Dr Kronkodile. Well done. So there is light at the end of the tunnel - a real life survivor!

Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

Hi, Nice to chat to you. I only hope I don't turn into one of those academic types with frizzy hair, bad clothes and no awareness of reality. Oh - too late. It's happened already. Maybe I should just start wearing socks and sandals now and talking about pretentious stuff at dinner parties while other guests glaze over. Actually I might - just for fun. Are you a psychology sort then?

Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

Hi, Nice to chat to you. I only hope I don't turn into one of those academic types with frizzy hair, bad clothes and no awareness of reality. Oh - too late. It's happened already. Maybe I should just start wearing socks and sandals now and talking about pretentious stuff at dinner parties while other guests glaze over. Actually I might - just for fun. Are you a psychology sort then?

Any other distressed psychology PhD people out there?

Does anyone else wonder if doing a psychology degree and worse still a PhD is bad for your mental health? I am starting to think it might be. Also - having fallen into a PhD by accident - I often wonder whether I should abandon it completely and go and live on a commune somewhere - or maybe be a goat herder in the Himalayas. Does anyone else know what I mean? Why should I bother? Nobody gives a bugger anyway?