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Is everyone sleeping?

Don't know. Every few weeks I get these weird moments of madness and start thinking about life in general.

Obviously I am having the illusion that completing the PhD will change my life completely and all of sudden make it better. But that won't happen. I've been out last night and I realized how detached and isolated from this world I already am.

When I was younger I used to go out every weekend with my mates, but now I don't know if that's still what I want. Also I don't know if I still have any mates.

I still don't know what I want in life, so I'm hoping that after the PhD I'll know it. Probably I'll take a long time out after the PhD to think about the future.

Right now I'm just confused - maybe that's due to the PhD or not

Is everyone sleeping?

I'm awake too.

Been thinking about life in general so I ended up not being able to sleep.

Random Nose Bleeds: what might be a cause?!

I'm not a doctor obviously, so if it doesn't go away in a couple of weeks even if you don't overheat your premises and open the window from time to time and take regular walks outside, then it might be useful, as the others have suggested, to check with a real doctor.

All I'm saying is: don't panic too much about it, had a similar problem five years ago and after two months it just disappeared and never returned - it was also in November/December.

Random Nose Bleeds: what might be a cause?!

It's only indicator of serious conditions if it's always coming out of both holes, so don't worry too much.

can also be the heater or dry air.

Upcoming Viva Fear

That's really helpful. In that case, congratulations again.

It must be an absolutely amazing feeling, so many years of hard work and now you know for sure that it was worth it.

Upcoming Viva Fear


One more questions: retrospectively and with regard to the entire research process, is there anything you would have done differently, if you had to start all over again?

Upcoming Viva Fear


Can you give us a detailed account of the actual viva please, including any tips/suggestions, questions you did not expect, questions you did expect but haven't been asked, level of difficulty and all that.


Hair highlights! Color?

καληνύχτα!. I'm too drunk.

Hair highlights! Color?

κεραυνοβόλος έρωτας.

Hair highlights! Color?

Δεν βρέθηκαν λέξεις. (Sylvester)

The City of Birmingham

I like the University of Birmingham. Nice campus, nice conference hotels, very modern organisational culture.

Every university has its own atmosphere. Birmingham seems to be a nice place, although I've only been there a couple of months in 2004

Hair highlights! Color?

Wow, seems like a little forum romance emerging here.

Why don't you meet in Greece next summer, Athina could show you Athens and the Olympus, you could drink mistletoe wine and swim in the Ionian Sea. Then, soon after we would welcome the first PhD forum baby to this world...

P.S.: sorry for talking crap, but I'm drunk for the first time in 12 months (been on the department christmas part

PGFT Why have you removed the thread...

That's a funny game:

a) DanB is banned
b) DanBisback but gets banned again
c) BanD is back
d) ..gets banned.

This could go on forever.

The hilarious thing is: the best indicator for DanB being back are the old (or just one week old) threads suddenly appearing.

I'm sure he'll be back soon

PGFT Why have you removed the thread...

Is BanD banned again??

Hair highlights! Color?

what a useless discussion (once more initiated by M.Z.).

As a men I can tell you that we don't give a damn about the hair colour (that's what women think).

In reality, we are looking for interesting women. Women can only be interesting if they are a bit mysterious and if they keep us hanging in suspense from time to time. We like to fight for our women day by day, if we know she would never walk away we easily loose interest.

Sad, but true.

So all this hair colour stuff is useless. Even if you are blonde, Maria, don't think that you will attract any man with your talk.