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PhD program with 34 years old?

Yes, I'm worried about that, and by the fact that ending the PhD with that age does not compensate. Did you already finish your PhD? Do you have the intention to become a professor?

PhD program with 34 years old?

I'm 34 years old, and I'm thinking in applying to MIT computer science PhD program with some funding. The PhD will take 6 years to complete. So, if everything turns ok, I'll end the PhD with 41-42 years old.

This reason that I'm applying is because I quit my job, and I always loved to work in academia (altough, nowadays I don't know if I want to be a university professor). I'm in a BIG dillema. Is this a feasible idea? Any suggestions? Any thoughts about that?

Taking notes about papers

I starting my PhD, and I've already an idea of the topic that I'll be working on. So, I'm starting to read papers about my topic. I'm taking notes of the papers that I'm reading and writing brief resumes about that to not loose track of what I'm reading. Is this enough, or I should put this notes in the thesis that I'm starting to write? Does anyone have more advices?