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Dated in Thailand while I was visiting

If you begin a PhD you will be so distracted that you will forget about this 'chick'.

How to deal with lack of attendance (lecturing)

That is so annoying - personally I am tough but empathic. I will help but they need to show effort.

If you are worried about student evaluation I would personally set up a Q & A session. 'Thank for your e-mail, I have arranged a Q & A for these questions where I can answer fully in person (or webinar)'. In response to further e-mails: I unfortunately do not have time to repeat material covered in lectures individually.

Or 'have a further look over the material and e-mail me again in a week if you still do not understand - it is important that you able to be as independent as possible with your learning following the lectures however anxiety-provoking it is'.

Someone please help me :(

Maybe apply to your university counselling service or local NHS talking therapies service if you have feeling low and experienced a panic attack?

Looking dumb in front of my supervisor

I wouldn't worry about it - we all have moments when we can look 'stupid'. Your supervisor could have lacked tact but at least your supervisor cared enough to make sure you are 'up to speed' In a challenging process it is difficult to value it - but after it you can feel how much you have learnt and glad you went through it.

How to crack fashion designing job interview

I would try on some clothes first and decide on a wonderful outfit. Then really sparkle at the interview.

Totally fed up

I suppose it depends on what you feel is going on for you to then know how to respond. Whether it is your PhD that is the problem and it is just a normal stage or your anxiety, depression or self-esteem issues that are colouring it?

If you are not enjoying anything - I would seek some professional help.

Postgrad checklist: what to ask when picking a PhD

I feel if you asked a lot of questions and pointed ones you would come off as difficult and unlikable. I would ask mainly about project then a few practicals and only ask more if it felt right. Tricky.

How to find out a good research topics?

Accounts of prospective PhD candidates online activity in soliciting research topics. A qualitative methodology - maybe even discourse analytic to explore the power knowledge configuration.

Question about the subject of a PhD (Psychology)

Though topic could matter as unis sometimes look for specific research area e.g. cognitive, social, neurobiology However, I do not think topic is crucial but methodology is. As long as you used method/analysis frequently used in psychology research.

Funded PhD in Psychology deadlines?

Hi All

I have reached a decision to apply for a PhD in Psychology but I think I have left it slightly too late for maximum chance of starting October this year. It seems that a lot of deadlines for funded PhD were end of January. I have seen a few up now and I wondered for those that are veterans that look throughout the year - now onwards are there still many funded PhD in psychologist advertised?

Many thanks