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Public speaking online self-help research

Addressing a large gathering can be quite overwhelming. If you need help to overcome the anxiety caused by public speaking, you can turn to online forums, blogs, and videos to research some self-help public speaking tips. Here are some of the best freely available public speaking courses online.

Udemy: Professor Chris Haroon offers public speaking online courses for free on Udemy – a video based learning platform.

TED style speaking master class: A three-part video cum masterclass, you can learn all the secrets of popular TED talks speakers.

Sarah Lloyd-Hughes’ 6 week course: Author of ‘How to Be Brilliant at Public Speaking’, Sarah Lloyd-Hughes offers a 6-Week free e-Course on public speaking.

Dale Carnegie’s the Art of Public Speaking: Download this audio book by international influencer Dale Carnegie for free.

The Accidental communicator blog: Authored by Dr. Jim Anderson, the blog offers some simple tricks on public speaking.

Fear of Public Speaking

Most people experience nerves setting in when they have to go on the stage and speak publicly. While the fear of public speaking is common, it is not impossible to overcome it.

Here are 10 tips to overcome your fear of public speaking.

1. Practice in front your friends and work on the feedback provided
2. Organize your thoughts and your material to feel relaxed and calm while speaking
3. Rehearse in front of the mirror and pay attention to your body language and movement, hand gestures, facial expressions etc.
4. Breathe in and try to get into the rhythm
5. Opt for a public speaking course by a professional who’s mastered the field
6. Speak about a subject you are passionate about
7. Focus on your material but try to capture the audience’s attention
8. Speak slowly, clearly and concisely