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Anyone ever played the Sims 2?


I am doing a little bit of research on this, & I have never been a user.
The usual sources and online journal research isn't throwing up much and I just wondered if anyone could add any insight as either a player or because it's more their area?


What sort of things do you want to know? I've played on it a bit but my sister is addicted!


Hi Ju

Thanks for your reply. Can I ask how old youor sister is?
I guess some Q's I have are why is it so addictive?
Do you network or is it possible to network with other people in it?
Do you behave / act like you do in real life or is it being a completely diffrent persona?
Have you ever noticed any product placement?
Are there lots of forums and groups that you participate in.



Hi Pea,
My sister is 26, her boyfriend works long hours so she tends to play more when he's at work and she's not. I don't know if it's possible to network but I never have, and as far as I know she doesn't either. Same goes for forums etc, neither of us really sees it as a social game.
As for the way we play, I'd say definitely different personas, particularly as sometimes you have to do things cos the game demands it, rather than because it's what you would do yourself. I don't really know what makes it addictive, I played the PSP version and got some satisfaction out of completing it, but wouldn't go back to it again, whereas she plays the PC version which I gather is different and lends itself more to playing without ever really feeling like you've completed it. Hope that helps!


Ooh, missed the product placement question, I've never noticed, would have to ask my sister if she has or not.


Thanks for your help Ju.

I discovered one of my mates really enjoys playing, so I went over and had a go yesterday. Blimey - it's pretty detailed stuff.I was amazed at the level of creativity it allows for.

Anyway thanks again. It ws cool of you to get back to me on it.


Hi pea, Ive been playing sims for years and years. I would say the original Sims was much more addictive! Sims 2 has kind of bored me, even tho it has more interactions etc. I only play it for the build mode. Its all I ever play it for funnily enough! Hours can be wasted on it :-/ !!