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Home sweet home!!!


Hi all! I am back home after 2 months and it feels really great! I had started to feel institutionalized!

Well, I need an update. What is everyone up to? What have I missed? Any exciting news? Any viva, any new partner, any wedding, any important decision.... any little thing to be shared?


welcome back


Welcome back! The only news I have is that Piglet gave me a for Valentine's Day


Hey Athina, it's nice to see you back...


Yay, great news that you are home. I hope you are feeling much better now.


Hey Athina welcome back


Great to have you back!


where is Piglet by the way?


Hello Athina!

My wedding isn't until the summer, apparantly you were asking Sara about it!

Nice to have you back


Welcome back Athina - glad to have you back. I've replied to your email!


Great to have you back with us
My news is I have a new boyfriend, he's amazing and gorgeous


Welcome back. I'm glad you're on the mend.


Thank you all so much! You seem to have great news! Coastman, did I miss a forum romance? H, yes Sara told me that your wedding is towards summer. Anywhere nice for a honeymoon? Are you nervous preparing stuff or its all organized already? DJ, new boyfriend? Tell us more! Well, I also have good news. I will rest until the 23rd of April and then back to the PhD life! I had to be far from it to appreciate it The bad news is that I am missing a conference that I would really like to attend. How often do you guys get to attend/present in a conference during your PhD?