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If you could have any superpower ...


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?


I would love to be able to fly. Not like Superman however, more like Angel from X-Men who has a set of wings. I don't think it would be the best superpower to have in terms of being able to get what you want or save the world, but I think it would be utterly liberating.

I would LOVE bernards watch - so you can stop time and get on with the PhD while everyone is frozen.

You could also rewind/fast forward time and win the lottery!

Obvious down side is that it would still take 3 months to write the end of the PhD and while everyone was frozen you'd come out looking 3 months older, without anyone knowing why. So maybe it needs to be combined with the fountain of youth or fountain of youthful looks anyway.


Sneaks - it would be good to have such a power!
Once you are in a meeting with the supervisor and you could agree as to the next step, you could pause time, get that thing done and submitted before he/she would change their mind. Along the same lines, I would think a "What-the-f**k to English" translator chip in the brain for such meetings as well ha ha!

Nah ... I would seriously like the superpower of just being able to remind everyone to kick back, put the legs up and on chill! That and the ability to predict the next 100-1 at Chepstow :p


I would love to be able to go back in time!!!!
And break up EARLIER with my ex-boyfriend (be the dumper instead of the dumpee) and tell him off for stealing my mum's money

love satchi


The ability to read minds/thoughts to predict when supervisors are about to change the topic.

I would also like the ability to understand exactly what 'I don't like the topic' means in combination with the 'I think that would be a great piece of research' comment from the week before.

NB. This is not in reference to my current supervisor who is fab.


Right now I'd like to be able to control the weather. Lot looking forward to getting soaked on the way home!

We used to discuss this a lot when watching 'Heros' and also what would be the most useless superpower? My friend came up with having the ability to make someone select the book/cd/dvd immediately to the left of the one they were reaching for! Other than really annoying the other person this would be a totally useless power!