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Accountability thread


The thread for anyone who needs a bit of mutual support for getting the thesis written up. Check in every few days with your targets and check back to report on whether you're meeting them.


Hi Determind_Daisy,

I was waiting for yr update in the thread I created (Writing up slump_accountability Daisy & Swetch, others too welcome) and was bit surprised as there was no response from you. Now, I realised you must have missed checking that thread ! Anyway, I can continue in this thread :) I am very focussed these days and working very hard. My brain works better than before. I wish I had done the same in the last couple of months ! But, not more wasting time now. I am in a MISSION completion ! I have been modifying chapter 8 as per supervisors and feeling good. I will submit this on 1 Aug. The month of August is going to be editing all 5 analysis chapters. September end is to have thesis with conclusion chapter (which I got to write). I hope I will manage to integrate all these by then. How is yr work going?? Swetch


Oh no I'm sorry, I completely missed that thread!
Sounds like you're doing so well, well done! I can tell your on a proper mission with it now! I'm sure you'll get there by the targets you've set yourself.
The pressure's really on for me, I have to hand in my full draft this Thursday so have taken the week off work. So far I've done all of my corrections and finished my intro chapter and started my conclusion. I am working on the latter today and want it finshed, so that tomorrow and Thurs I can proof read everything and add in the few bits of extra research that still need puting in - just examples etc that i'd missed. It's going to be hard but I have to have it in by then as I go away for 2 weeks on Friday. Fingers crossed.


Good luck for your submission determined_daisy. I have not started conclusion chapter and finding quite hard until I finish other chapters. But, now slowly things are building up and I hope I will be able to write conclusion as soon as finish my analysis chapters. Today had been quite fruitful and working till late night. Seems that I can submit chapter 8 by 28th instead of 1st Aug. I will start correcting chapter 7 as soon as I submit this. Swetch


Excellent news, well done. Sounds like it's all coming together and that you're more confident and poitive about it now, which is great. It's amazing what a positive perspective on things can do for your confidence - when I have 'good' days i feel great about it and sometimes I'm really pessimistic! Often depends how much sleep i've had though!

Today's my last day of proofing, adding examples and generally tidying it up before submission of the draft tomorrow morning. After that I'm away in Austria at a long confrence/arts event-type thing until 11th August which will be a nice break. Are you planning a break this summer after you've handed in a couple of chapters?


Tomorrow indeed is a big day for you and good luck once again. Have a nice trip to Austria. I am not thinking of any holidays soon. Aug-Sept I have strictly put to compile and prepare a draft thesis as planned earlier. The way things r progressing indicates that I might get the draft ready by the end of Sept. and I am very positive towards it. Swetch


That's a good plan, stick at it. I'm proofing like mad until this afternoon, will post in a bit. good luck today



Have you got your thesis submitted? My work is progressing. Submitting today chapter 8 finally, ahead of planned date :) From tomorrow, reworking on chapter 7 starts ! I got to restructure it within 10 days. Looks like I can do it as I did for chapter 8. Hmm...I can see my thesis progressing ! Swetch


Hi Swetch,sorry it's been a while, I got back from Austria last week and it's been really crazy busy since. How is the thesis going? I got my full draft in but now awaiting corrections before submission. Hope you're doing ok, keep me posted on your progress :)


Hi Determined_daisy, Nice to hear from you. I submitted chapter 7 the day before y'day and feeling relieved. In the mean time had feedback for chapter 8. Very happy to see sups pleased with my analysis this time. Now chapters 9 & 10 to restructure/rewrite. Hoping to finish in three weeks time. When r u expecting to get feedback? Hope, sups won't take long time.


That's brilliant, only a few weeks of hard slog left for you then, well done! You sound much more positive than a month or so ago. I hope to get fedback next week as I really need to be getting on with my corrections for a 30th Sept submission deadline. Fingers crossed ther won't be too many major amendments!


Yeah, I am very positive these days. Had a feedback for chapter 7 as well. It seems I am on the right track now. Re-working on chapter 9 & 10 these days which I am going to submit in a month time. By that time, my all 5 analysis chapters will be complete. My sups are very supportive...that is the only thing which keeps me going. I hope you will get the feedback for your draft soon.


Brilliant news, that's great!


Hi Determined_daisy, how r u doing? have u got yr draft back? Working very hard to have chapter 9 done but sometimes I get stuck and feel like crying. Since I am completely rewriting/restructuring chapters I feel bad to delete all my analysis/writing part and just seeing qualitative data like skeleton makes me mad. But, I do not have choice other than listen to what sups said. Ughh...not an easy journey...


Hiya Swetch,

I know how that feels - it's really hard being told that something you've spent hours or days creating has to be deleted - time is too precious! Don't think of it as deleted though, think of it as a reference point, somthing that's helped to inform what you're writing now. You've learned from it and it will have become a starting point for what you'll go on to write into your final draft even if you haven't used it as actual written text.
I haven't had my draft back -argh! It has to be in in 3 weeks! I've had a bit of a break but am now trying to get on with the bits I am pretty sure need correcting, and hope that the sups' corrections aren't too substantial when they finally arrive.