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Any Conversation/Discourse Analysyts?



I am looking for some references for features of talk - Has anybody come across a general book that introduces all of these? I have Hutchby & Wooffitt and Schriffin and various articles, but I'm hoping that there is a CA/DA 'bible' that details them in one go?? I've had a look but cannot find anything

Thank you!

Leanne x


Hi there,

I am also doing DA. Some of the books that I found useful to start with are:

1. Analysing Text and Speech: Content and Discourse Analysis by Fran Tonkiss in Researching Society and Culture, ed. Clive Seale.

2. Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis by Robin Wooffitt in Researching Social Life, ed.Nigel Glibert.

3. Chapter 12 by Alexa Hepburn and Jonathan Potter and Chapter 13 Critical Discourse Analysis of Ruth Wodak in Qualitative Research Practice, eds. Clive Seale et al.

4. Conversation Analysis:An approach to the study of Social Action as Sense Making Practices by Anita Pomerantz and B.J. Fehr in Discourse as Social Interaction, ed. Teun A. Van Dijk.

Hope it helps.

I have a pdf of a book with a chapter on discourse anlaysis and how to do it if that helps by Penny Dick. i can send it to you if you pm me with your email


'Introducing qualititative research in psychology" by Carla Willig has a good chapter on discourse analysis (discursive psychology and Foucauldian DA), but not so much on conversation analysis. Also, 'An introduction to qualitative research' by Uwe Flick has a chapter which includes DA and CA, think that might be better for you.


Hi all,

Thank you for replying. I have come across some of the chapters mentioned, but will follow up the ones I haven't!

Thanks again,
