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Bibliography in Open office (linux)


Does anyone know how to do a bibliography in open office? Ideally I would like to import some references to avoid retyping.
I do have 50 references already stored in endnote from windows, and in an open source program "Bibliophile," but I'm not sure if I can import the files into open office.


there are some programs that can work with oo, and version 3 will have proper support


for information about these programs


If you are using Linux then presumably you are in a scientific area?

In which case I would consider using LaTex to write up in, much easier in terms of formatting and equation numbering. Plus it sorts out references easily, I think you can import Endnote quite easily into BibTex (The bibliography function for LaTex). It takes a little time to get to grips with but it looks really smart and saves much time with formatting as it is content driven. A cursory search will find loads of resources online.


I've already written 90% of my thesis in OO unfortunately. My fall back is to convert to a Word document if I can't work it out soon, or even handwrite the refs.


Hi cc, I have jused Ooo for my MSc and to get the references in I had them marked as "references" in the text and then created a bibliography - insert /index&tables / index&tables / bibliography. You can update this by right clicking into the document.
If you haven't marked them in the text it looks rather bad as I never managed to import from endnote into the Ooo bibliography. It might be easiest at this stage to export to word and copy and paste it into Ooo. The advantage will be that you just get it in a pdf and send it for printing whereas changing to word completly will mean - new formating. Good luck!


I'm just about the start writing up my thesis and I'm planning to use OpenOffice with the bibliography package bibus ( Apparently it works like endnote's Cite While You Write, and its free. Fingers crossed.


Oh and you are supposed to be able to import EndNote refs into bibus, but I haven't tried this.


I've imported endnote into bibliophile, and used bibliophile to get full references from pubmed. I found a techie friend who managed to import the bibliophile database into OO (no idea how) and I can now add refs, and do the bibliography-via OO.
My techie friend also installed bibliophile, it might have required some fiddling I think.
I needed to find a webpage on how to do the bibliography as wasn't imediately obvious how to use it, but now makes perfect sense.


Hi CC, can you figure out how you solved your problem and post it here, so that I (many others too) can be benefitted


I just use endnote i like that it updates the references while I write


I will try and ask my computer expert
he said you just follow the wiki but it made little sense to me

OO bibliography has been a huge pain. To do the bibliography I used

When the entries were inputted into OO from bibliophile the "short name" field is automatically inserted as the ref which from bibliophile was automatically a PID number. I went through and edited all the short name fields so that it said (Blogs J, 2007) when I inserted the reference. There may be a better way of doing it.


I created a keyboard shortcut as you add refs by insert/tables&indexes/bibliography entry. You then scroll down through all the refs which are in the order you put them in, not alphabetical.
If you type letters when the menu drops down it usually finds refs, but I had several authors with many papers and it fell down, and I just had to scroll, of course the PID would have worked better here, but then I would have had [P: 1252532532] as my reference.

Also...if you edit the database it will not go back and change the references that you have already added, and they will need redoing or editing by hand.

There is supposed to be a new version of OO soon, which will hopefully be better for this.

The whole thing made my life hell, I dreamt of lovely endnote, but unfortunately my partner does linux for a living, my laptop is broken and I was reliant on a linux laptop he borrowed from work, and the windows machines at work are very unstable and I wouldn't trust them.