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Brain dead need motivation


Anyone else doing an all-nighter? I have to hand in my latest chapter to my supervisor tomorrow. I've been working like a madwoman the last five days (why I couldn't do this progressively is beyond me...).

Sadly my brain now refuses to work, I've been surfing the web for the last two hours. If only I could knuckle down I could be finished in a few hours. Halp!


======= Date Modified 05 Jun 2011 19:00:14 =======


I told my sup I'd send him two finished chapters tommorrow. Now sitting here knuckling down to it having spent the weekend doing other stuff :$

Good luck getting it done. I want to finish soon so I can relax a bit before bed.....but somehow I'm on here instead!

i do find that when my brain isn't working doing something else (like surfing the web) does kinda help...... maybe not for two hours! But it is the sort of thing I do! Anyway get a cuppa and get on with it! :p


Haha, it's just nice to hear that other people are in the same boat. I mean, I know they are, but it's still nice ;)

I've asked my boyfriend to read what I've done so far - it should help. I'm at the editing/tailoring stage now, which I find almost more difficult to concentrate for as after a day a writing you can't look at your work objectively anymore!


I'm here and ma brain dead too;-)


Quote From clairette:

Haha, it's just nice to hear that other people are in the same boat. I mean, I know they are, but it's still nice ;)

I've asked my boyfriend to read what I've done so far - it should help. I'm at the editing/tailoring stage now, which I find almost more difficult to concentrate for as after a day a writing you can't look at your work objectively anymore!

It's often easier when you're writing, to cut your day into 2. In the afternoon, write. In the morning, edit and tailor from yesterday. I'm a professional writer (who just got my doctorate at 66!) and sorting out the best way to write long documents is something I've had to do for my working life. This one certainly works best for me. It means that I edit/tighten as I go along, and also helps the afternoon writing session, as I've had a catch-up with the themes and general tone. It also makes me enthusiastic to keep at it, and means that if I get really wrapped up in what I'm writing, I can go on until bed time, if I have to.


Hi Clairette,

Did you manage to get it done?

I finished my nth draft, but still no reference list yet. I prefer to write without Endnote/Zotero, as I find they distract the flow of my thoughts everytime I need to insert a citation.

In any case hope you caught up with some sleep. See you around!


Hi all!

Yes i've finally finished it! It's far from perfect but I hope she'll accept it as a peace offering. I'm now going to sleep..... Thank you for being supportive. xx


======= Date Modified 01 Jun 2011 09:27:11 =======
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