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Can/Should non-PhD students give PhD students advice???


Comments please ...


No (if the subject is PhD)


Yes, if they successfully completed a PhD.

BUT Should PhD students give PhD students advice: No!

Result: on this forum I would only take advice from Ann, DJW, Fluffymonster et al.


Well, I'm prepared to listen. What advice are you planning to give?


(who are the et al. I wonder )


not me, that's for sure!


If the advice is sensible, and obviously not related specifically to Phd study. I haven't started my Phd yet, but if I think a comment or piece would help someone, I'll post it anyway. It's up to everyone else to determine the value of the advice. Should a poster make it clear that they are or are not studying a Phd? Definitely, then the reader can decide if said advice is valuable or not.


NO!!!! They have no idea what I go thru everyday!!!!!


Well I am honoured that you would accept advice from me Otto (panic, responsibility now!), but I have learnt so much from all of you guys and will continue to do so. I hope to hang around and learn some more too.

I do think it is difficult for anyone not doing a PhD to truly understand how much it involves etc so it is difficult to get good advice from non-PhDers (ie they have never done one and don't intend to). If they give it, smile sweetly and simply ignore it if it is not much help or missing the point somewhat. I guess it depends what you are asking though.


I don't see why not even if it is on a PhD-related matter. Sometimes getting external advice can be less biased and honest.


What is the context?


Of course they should be encouraged to give advice. Advice is optional, it's always worth having a listen, might be useful. You know, saying things like 'non PhD students shouldn't give advice" might be part of the reason some people on the forum have had difficulties with people with regards to getting jobs, friends thinking you're just a dosser and not doing a real job etc etc. It's qite a snobbish attitude.


i'm with you on this one adem. i really appreciate a range of views which come the experiences of different people. to be honest, it the query is so specifically phd related in the first place, it would be unlikely to be answered by a 'non-phd student' anyway. people on here tend to contribute only when they've got something worthwhile to say. although i guess you could find a few exceptions....


I agree with adem and insomniac. Advice is just advice after all, you dont have to take it! I really value my non-phd friends' advice, a fresh perspective and all that (even if sometimes they might not truly understand!)


I think as PhD students one should put away that element of pride. Agreed, a non-PhDer might not know wha the heck you're on about but an advice is an advice.

From personal experience, i have learnt bits an pieces from people not related to my field in any way and are, quite frankly, scared of it. This should no stop anyone from receiving advice from someone who isn't doing a PhD.

In any case, an advice is an advice, it is your decision if you choose to accept it.