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Chuff's viva - the Q's and the defence.


Hi all.

I have been relentless in my nagging for viva experiences to be posted in all their “glory” so I’m now in the position to post mine. I passed yesterday with minor corrections. Corrections equal - punctuating my contribution more - splitting a section probably, clarifying a few definitions, and reading a specific area of literature which I hadn’t cited to see if it fitted. I await my list from the Uni.

The Qs were straight from Murray’s How to Survive your Viva. I’m sorry, and yet glad, to say as I can’t really add any unusual questions to the obvious. Q were along the lines of: why did you start this research, why does it matter, what is your contribution, why did you do it that way, why not another way. They were very big on my literature, as above asking why I hadn’t included certain important works. I argued, a lot, throughout. But on literature I had my defence that it was different ontological position and that I had made it clear where I stood. I did have to defend, it did feel like a defence, and it wasn’t easy. I feel as though I didn’t answer a number of questions well but on speaking to others it was suggested the examiners were testing if I would change my story to placate and agree with them, I didn’t. I’m not sure if I agree with this interpretation but it’s a point of view. Methodology was a big concern, as expected, I did interviews, a small number which was crying out to be torn apart so I had prepared for this.

I would say, you know more than anyone where your weak points are – where did your sup ask and ask again, that's where the viva will go. My sup was very big on method chapter so I was well prepared. I took an interpretative stance so I would argue “we” are in an easier position to respond with… this is my interpretation, you are going to disagree but as long as I have been clear in explaining how and why I had come to my understanding then. Be prepared to argue, defend, get a bit tetchy but hold your nerve.

I would sum up by apologising to those who have posted before and have said ‘I passed with corrections and I feel a bit flat or a bit low etc’. I have thought, Oh for God’s sake. But I feel exactly like that now. I have never been flat throughout my PhD I have had a fantastic time, all of it. The bad bits and my decisions of how I escaped those bad bits gave me my defence in my viva. You will draw on those escape routes, the manner in which you decide to do a and not b. Much as its easy to say, remember the difficult bits, I realise now that they are your friends in the viva. Odd though I know that sounds. The posts of what the hell do I do now are key to your success, if you don’t have those what have you done that's new.. if you knew what to do, it wouldn’t be new you’d be following a recipe. I’m going off on some strange ramble now. I should delete it but I won’t.. this is post viva morning and I’ve been awake since midnight so I shall indulge myself.


Just a bit more that dropped off the end....

Thanks to you all for your posts and support. Happy to try and answer any questions that I’ve not covered in my ramblings above.

Chuff ( I am chuffed, I really am, deep down, its just not reached my face yet :-) )


Absoltuely briliant [but not surprising!!] news Dr. Chuff. Probably the flat feeling is a release of tension. Your viva sounded tough but fair and you sound like you did your thesis and yourself justice. Thanks for including how it actually went - I need to digest that. You gave your word count breakdown per chapter a while ago and mine sounds eerily similar!

Enjoy your first weekend as Dr. Chuff (up)


Thanks Ady, appreciate it.
I remember your 5 chapter structure.  I may, just may, stretch mine to 6 with a short conclusion chapter as i said to punctuate the point. So have a think about yours if i may be easier or better to do that now.. whatever works and whatever you can defend. i tried defending mine but felt i'd got away with enough as it was.. i quit while i was ahead.


Quote From chuff:

Just a bit more that dropped off the end....

Thanks to you all for your posts and support. Happy to try and answer any questions that I’ve not covered in my ramblings above.

Chuff ( I am chuffed, I really am, deep down, its just not reached my face yet :-) )

Congrats Doc.


I'm well chuffed for you!!! Fantastic news to start the weekend. Many congratulations Dr Chuff.



Hi Chuff, excellent news, well done! I am now 5 days post viva and elation is creeping in, I had a job interview on Thursday and it was an absolute walk in the park compared to my viva. I think I'm going to be superchilled the rest of my life, nothing seems as intense as the viva. When at my interview they asked me if I had passed my viva yet it took all my willpower not to jump on the table and yell 'Yes! I've done it, I'm FREEE!!!!!!!' That feeling will come on you soon I'm sure. Revel in it, you deserve it! :-)


Yay Dr Chuff!!


======= Date Modified 05 Mar 2011 12:09:39 =======
Thanks to latest "yay" and "whoopers". So Stuff, i can expect elation by day 5 ? Should i book the day off, i wonder. Wouldn't want to be in a meeting when it happened!


Chuff, yep book the day off. Then you can run around whooping til your heart is content. Otherwise you might get carted off by the men in white coats.... And preferably don't be in an interview type situation!
Interviewer: "Have you passed your vi..."
Stuff: Yes, yes, yes I have. I have, I have, I have. You will call me Dr. You will. Did you know it was 3 hours long?...Did you know they asked me about.... (etc.)...

Gladly I have calmed down now 8-)


Congratulations Dr Chuff! Thank you for the details of your viva too, very interesting reading. How many weeks did you prep for your viva?

Enjoy your indulgent weekend of freedom and have fun shouting it from the treetops (up)


Hey Chuff, congrats- really pleased for you! Have a fab weekend, hope the elation soon sets in! KB


======= Date Modified 05 Mar 2011 16:38:00 =======
@ dunni73:
How many weeks did you prep for your viva? From submission to about one week before viva i was writing journal papers,  dissecting my thesis, critiquing it. So that was my base. I never really stopped looking at it. As for targeted viva prep, a week maybe 10 days - Murray book was great. I read the Tinkler one too but that was more general, i think i skimmed it.  I'd recommend Murray.

@ kb - thanks very much. I'm hopeful of a surge of joy. at the moment i have a headache from not eating for about 7 hours and drinking champagne ! ( only a few glasses but still) head is not good.   evenings out are getting planned though. (up)


Massive congrats Dr Chuff :-) Thanks so much for such a detailed post, even after the champagne ;-) Really delighted for you xx


Thanks for spending time to reply when really celebrations are in order for you! I am awaiting final feedback before submission and have read Tinkler so far. I have now downloaded Murray to my Kindle (amazingly quick lol) so will read this aswell. I am trying to pre-empt and address questions prior to submission if possible :p

Thanks once again, and go have another glass of champagne!!!