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Conference confusion


With all the hundreds, neigh thousands of conferences each year how do you narrow down to the big ones in your field and the best to go to? I know supervisors are supposed to help in this but I might have to do some looking myself as my research method is new to my field of study. Basically, I want to make sure I'm not going to bogus or less useful conferences. Is there a main website that lists the best ones in each area?


I don't know of any website, but generally speaking what you need to do is join the mailing list for your main disciplinary organisation in the UK (I'm pretty sure you are in the UK). This organisation will have an annual conference, and maybe a postgrad one too (which can be a nice way to start out) and depending on field, there may be expectations that you present there at some point. Through the mailing list, you will get sent adverts for smaller conferences and workshops. I doubt you'd get a full conference on your method, more likely there might be a specialist workshop. This is the safest way of regulating for quality as they will screen for the dodgy stuff. Basically conference adverts arriving in your in-box as unsolicited mail with titles like the international conference on the humanities and social sciences are the dodgy ones.


Thanks Bewildered. Yes you are right I am UK :D I'm not looking to present any time soon but I see even conferences for this time next year have abstract date submission of around Oct-Dec!


It's hard to beleive that there are hundreds of conferences each year in a particular field.

I would look at the theme of the conference first, and then who the keynote speakers are, and if there is a relevant session for your research, which will increase the chances that there will be colleagues present who you can discuss it with and get feedback.


Good tip on looking at the theme and Keynotes Barramack. I'm education so yes there are hundreds when you include international, national, postgrad, teaching ones, subject specific ones plus ones on research methods in education! It was getting a little mind boggling. Plus the method I'm using is from another area so I would be including conferences from that area too. At least I can narrow it down a bit now I know what I should be looking for.