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Does anyone else have a stupid phobia?


I know we're all highly rational on here, but does anyone have a strong irrational fear or dislike of an inanimate object? I've found it to be more common than you would think.

As for me, I hate fans (extractor fans, desk fans and so forth). Can't stand them; have to leave the room if there's one there. Makes summer a bit of a minefield, I must say.

And I was scared of the Muppets when I was younger (involuntary shudder)


I don't fear inanimate objects, but on my glummer days I do have an irrational jealousy towards them: i.e no responsibility, none of the burdens that self-aware thought bring! Of course in all seriousness I'm not jealous but when things get a bit much it is suprisingly easy to feel jealous of a tv remote, goldfish or mug.

I once told a friend that I was insanely jealous of my golfish, and he said he often looked at inanimate objects or pets and felt the same : 'lazy cat not having to work, so smug blah blah blah'

Am I the only person to think this sometimes...


My two stupid phobias are mirrors & escalators. I fell down an escalator as a small kid, as some stupid fool stopped at the top to gossip with her mate she had seen, there was no whre else to go but down, so now i avoid them with a passion. Mirrors, is a sle confidence thing I think.


sle = self


I have a friend who intensely dislikes buttons. She is getting married this winter and specifically choose a button-free dress. However, when her wedding dress arrived, unlike the example in the shop, it had tiny buttons all down the back :-O The shop is removing them for her!

I am often jealous of my cats when I leave the house on a cold morning and the 2 of them are snuggled up under a radiator!


Ahhh little kitty. I want one of those hairless kitty kats: Engyptian Rex Cats....they are so cute!


..but perhaps not best suited to the Swedish weather!


I used to get really bad motion sickness as a child, which ultimately resulted in a strong phobia of coaches (the buses, not the Alex Fergussons, although he is pretty scary sometimes).

Why I DETEST those loud, heavy, musty, dirty people-carrying beasts?
1. Theyre loud.
2. Theyre heavy.
3. Theyre musty.
4. Theyre dirty.
5. Those massive wheels (scary).


Coach toilets - the devil's own creation


Coach toilet!! *vomit*

I'd rather wait for my bladder to rupture.


I agree, the kidney pain is worth it


can I add train toilets to that, had a fear of those ever since was on a train heading back home and one of the toilets on the train was flooded, leading to all sorts of horrible fluids leaking out underneath the door.... *vomit*


Frankly any public loo has the potential to horrify!!


Not phobia level, but I'm freaked out by baked beans


Again not phobia level for me - but I can not stand that white polystyrene packaging stuff, that comes in boxes and holds corners of white goods. The sound of it scraping against cardboard when you have to pull it out of the box, has a very wierd effect on me. I hate it.

I know someone who knows someone who has a phobia of cinemas & finds it very difficult even to walk past one & believes they would die if they went inside?!