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End of Term Review: Year 1


======= Date Modified 11 58 2008 18:58:40 =======
Hi Everyone in the PhD brigade!

Feel like some stock taking of where the first term has gone? Positives and negatives?

Here's the thread for us to post in and feel good abt ourselves and be constructive about what we need to do :)



This is a bit 'yearist' is is not?! (Hi Everyone in the first year)

What about us 3rd yrs and 2nd yrs, uh? do we not count? ;-) and what about all the amazingly hard working 4th yrs?


Ahhhh!!! Another "ist" joins the brigade of the big bad "ists" :) :) :)

Okie Dokie, floor is open to all the years!!!


PS - you stole my god dam outfit, how embarrassing !!


Outfit? Uhhhm? I havent changed my Forum outfit in a week now ....


euew - you haven't changed your clothes in for a whole week???

(ok, I am being childish, I will stop now..):$


Okay Okay, I'm a dirty stinky PhD Bug!


And, now may we start the real business of this thread? Hehe? the elusive end of term review?

let's put on our thick lensed glasses, get a cup of hot coffee, stick our chins on our palms and ponder on the past....

(urrrg, i almost travelled back to sherlock holmes and watson!!)


Ok. I think I have done quite well in the 2 and a half months since I started.

I have read around quite a lot, understand my field a bit better and am no longer terrified by the weekly data sessions our research group has where we all have to share insights. I've also taken a few tutorials, which is a big deal for me because I have always had a problem with speaking in front of groups of people.

However I haven't written as much as I should have done so need to make more of an effort there.


Hmm ok third year here. What have I achieved?

I have completed my 108 interviews and am ploughing through the transcription process with a deadline for completing it by end of January (that will be tight).
I have a good strong idea of how to commence the analysis
I DO NOT have a clue how to formulate a thesis structure but hope the analysis will aid this.
Got another term of teaching under my belt and have been accepted onto ILTP.
I had a succeesful grant application and subsequent public event so some nice CV stuff and experience.

Feeling very confident and happy although need to move up a gear with regards work output. Actually enjoying academic life at the moment...although this can change in a heartbeat!!

Someone remind of this very optimistic post next time I whine please!!


WOW! Dazedandconfused, I have millions of questions for you:

1. First, 108 interviews?!!?!?!?!!? Are they semi structured qualitative ones? Which means it took you how long to get it done?

2. How did you find these participants? How long did they have to commit? Any incentives?

3. How did you manage to get any funding for your fieldwork? part of your grant or something?

4. Finally, with so manyyyyy interviews, is that your whole empirical work, or is there more?



Hi Bug!!

Everyone raises their eyebrows when I mention how many interviews I have done...I thought it was normal until I asked a few people!! So will try to answer your questions...

Quote From phdbug:

WOW! Dazedandconfused, I have millions of questions for you:

1. First, 108 interviews?!!?!?!?!!? Are they semi structured qualitative ones? Which means it took you how long to get it done?

I have undertaken a longitudinal quali study of 30 service users over a 6 month period. I interviewed at recruitment, 3 month and then 6 month. I also carried out 20 telephone interviews with service providers. Sample was recruited and all interviews completed in a 8 month timeframe.

2. How did you find these participants? How long did they have to commit? Any incentives?

Ahhh now here is the issue that really gave me problems. Originally I was supposed to have been given a list of names and addresses of participants from the Gov. database but due to all the data losses their was a complete data freeze so I had to go to plan B ….well actually I had to invent plan B. I went back to good old methods standing in jobcentres and asking people to recruit to my study. It took me 6 weeks to find my sample of 30 (due to needing specific characteristics). It was a 6 month commitment from them and they were given £20 at the completion of the study.

3. How did you manage to get any funding for your fieldwork? part of your grant or something?

I am fortunate that I am on a collaborative studentship with the DWP so have an enhanced stipend (although not massively so) and also a bit more money in my research account which has covered the incentives and mileage involved with such a big study.

4. Finally, with so manyyyyy interviews, is that your whole empirical work, or is there more?

Is more than enough to handle at the moment but I am already thinking post-doc as the original empirical work has raised many new avenues to explore post-thesis!!


I am loving what I do at the moment although this has certainly not always been the case!!!


Wow!!! Your research does sound not only great but also shows a huge amount of discipline and commitment. I love ambitious projects!

And PS: I love the way everyone's started calling me Bug here! Its sooo sweeet :)