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FAO FindaPhD team or whatever you're now called


Please can we have aviators (??!! pictures that appear with your name) like you get on other forums, so that we can express our individuality? Please, its almost my birthday ...


Unless Wickid wants us to post photos of ourselves wearing cool shades?


Avatars - that's the word I was after. So what's an aviator? Something to do with aeroplanes? Anyway FindaPhD team, how about it?


I've been quite spoilt on another forum I spend all my time on. We have more emoticons that you just click on rather than typing, you have an avatar, and a signature with emoticons. You can post photos and links into your posts, preview your post, and edit afterwards.
It doesn't have nice PhD students though and has many more members.
It is run off

C can also quote someone's message in your reply which is useful.
Aviator is to do with planes, I found it quite funny actually


Hi PostgradForum team. I know you're reading this but please can we have some avatars???


But a pair of aviators {pref Rayban classic ] as well as an avatar would really seal the deal.

Our technical team are currently working on one of our other sites, but don't worry, some upgrades to the PostgradForum are scheduled in soon!


Marvellous. Will be getting some new smileys as well? We definitely need a laughing smiley!


And an embarassed smiley

How exciting!!

We'll see what we can do!


what about the designer shades? If not the avaitors then how about a roxanne mulberry bag, for my books?


... and could our aviator wearing avatars hold hands, please!
