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Funding ending, no job, no motivation etc etc


My funding ends this month and I've been trying to get a full-time job as otherwise I'll be in severe financial difficulties. I've had a few interviews but I've not been successful so far. I have some work but it entails me spending part of the week away from home and I'm getting so tired of all the commuting and not being settled. I have had no motivation for my PhD as I'm spending all my time working, travelling, applying for jobs and sleeping. I have a journal article due but I just can't get down to work on it and I have my final panel probably at the end of next month but have done no work since about February. I don't know what the answer is and how to get my get up and go back. Just thought I'd have a moan.


Hugs Pam W. I am in a similar position - and I will leave a longer message when I hand in my thesis Monday evening.

The last two months have been incredibly stressful -living on a credit card and eventually getting casual work and just about making this months rent. At the end of last week I got another part time casual job so hopefully things will get easier until the viva is over...

Good luck with everything!


Hi PamW, your university should have some sort of support fund for students in financial difficulty, you should investigate this and go speak to someone at student support, explain your situation, and they should help you fill the form. Have you tried temporary work with recruitment agencies? I know how hard it is to concentrate on work when all you can think of is bills. Hope everything works out for you.