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Getting nowhere, lousy supervisor


Hi fellow PhDers, I've decided to share my problems with you in the hope that someone has been in the same situation! I'm in my second year and I feel that I've hardly done anything since I started. I've written up what I've done, but it seems so little, and the prospect of writing a thesis is daunting to say the least. I've never been the quickest to learn and understand new ideas, so I've always taken longer than others, but I just feel that I'm getting nowhere at the moment! My supervisor is pretty useless, so I've been going to see another lecturer from time to time who's a lot more knowledgeable, but I still don't feel like I'm being pushed to work, and could easily get away with doing very little. I just feel that I'm wasting time by making very little progress, and it's all going to come back to haunt me in a year or so! I also end up comparing myself to others in my office, and seeing them constantly typing up and discussing their work is rather demoralising to say the least.
Rant over, any inspiration would be much appreciated.


1) "I'm in my second year and I feel that I've hardly done anything since I started." - Tick
2) "I've written up what I've done, but it seems so little, and the prospect of writing a thesis is daunting to say the least." - Tick
3) "I've never been the quickest to learn and understand new ideas, so I've always taken longer than others, but I just feel that I'm getting nowhere at the moment!" - Tick
4) "My supervisor is pretty useless" - Tick
5) "I just feel that I'm wasting time by making very little progress, and it's all going to come back to haunt me in a year or so!" - Tick
6) "I also end up comparing myself to others in my office, and seeing them constantly typing up and discussing their work is rather demoralising" - Check

I have ticked all the things you have said that I have felt or that have applied to me at some point during my PhD, just so you know that all this is PERFECTLY NORMAL. I reckon a lot of people PhDers would also be ticking away. So, hang in there!


Thank you - it's reassuring to know that I'm not alone! Best of luck with the work, I'm sure we'll get there eventually!


I know it's hard but you are going to have to be very proactive and self-motivated, and make a plan of action for yourself. I know this is hard - it's how I work too and the second year is the hardest because you are kind of lost in the middle. This year I really want to finish so in a way that's easier.


" but I still don't feel like I'm being pushed to work, and could easily get away with doing very little"

Unfortunately, as smildon has said, you need to push yourself. Yes you can get away with doing very little but at the end of the 3 years (or however long) you will be kicking yourself for doing just that.


I second what Smilodon says--there is no substitute for your own self-discipline and work. You do not need to feel motivated to work, its very possible to get stuff done even if you are not in the mood for doing it--you do it because you must, whatever the must is. I think the best tip for procrastinating is to just do the work. Set yourself an achievable task--for an hour or two--and then do it. Voila, procrastination cured. At the same time be aware of your own needs while you work--do you need breaks, do you work better at night, in certain environments, etc? I need about half an hour in the morning to wake up, even once in the office, so I come on here, check e mails, read headlines, and start to coax myself into work during that time, and eventually am working and not doing other things.


Me too Olivia - that's what I'm doing right now. And now it's time to get off the pc and get on my bike and go to my dept.