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Horrah! Rearranging work/sleep patterns - am I alone here?


I'm settling in for a night of work, I've given up trying to be sociable and working daytime hours. So I'm trying to adjust my sleeping patterns to when I work best (i.e. very late at night/early morning), got to finish this work somehow! Anyone else out there or is it just me and the red bull? It's lonely work.... :(


I agree, there is no need to fight the body bio clock. My brain and body are working best between 8pm and 3am.

Who else is planning to have an allnighter tonight?


i did most me work like that at undergrad and msc level but as i now share with my boyfriend i'm trying hard to stick to normal work patterns. i wont be able to do alnighters unless i go to the library or get a laptop/carry the computer downsriars.


who's planning an alnighter tonight? I'll start now, hoping to work through till 1pm, then sleep till 10, check and correct and repeat the same on Sat and Sunday. Anybody having similar plans for this weekend. It's just impossible for me to get any work done during the day.


what I meant was "working through until 1AM"


I am finishing my all-dayer...! I actually got a lot done, and got back to my favored pile to work on--the issue on the PhD that is actually the one I enjoy working on the most, where the bulk of the day was spent on necessary drudgery....

Wonder what star sign people are and how that impacts ( if at all) their study habits?

Me-Sun in Cancer, Gemini Rising, Moon in Taurus.


Gemini--easily bored, assimilates knowledge rapidly, likes to know a little about a lot...some of this IS true.

Taurus--steadfast, always always always meets deadlines and demands. Steady, determined, bull-headed. some of this is true helps balance off the Gemini when its time to get deadlines met!

Cancer--likes to cook ( trout recipes anyone?) kind-hearted, sentimental, idealistic, giving and nuturing ( which probably has everything to do with my research topic and its focus!)


I'm Aries; impulsive, sometimes arrogant..


I'm here tonight, with my tea (and stained teeth!)

Must hand work in tmrw


Excellent. It may sound stupid, but working through the night is a very lonely experience, in particular on a windy night like this. Therefore it's good to know that there are more people out there doing the same. Good luck everybody.


Hey, I'm pulling an all nighter, got 8 cans of Red Bull and a pack of pro-plus (oh and a box of Millie's cookies). I promised my supervisor I'd have the chapter to her before I moved house, and I pick up the keys in oooh, 14 hours time!


I would like to thank Whitard of Chelsea for their 'Caravan Tea' blend, and Mendelssohn for making my work suck a little less!


Nothing makes my work suck less, trust me I've tried. The chemical brothers help for a while, but then, nada


I would like to thank Danone for their "Revive Drink"; Emmi for their cold Espresso/Cappucino with milk and The Coca Cola Company for their, Coca-Cola..

Flying hyper through the night


I actually think I am getting somewhere, but morning will bring a reality check!