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Hot research topics in Computer Science?


I am planning to get into phd soon. I want to know what are hot research topics in computer science?

Anybody can help me or point me in right direction?


Research is never "hot". Quite the opposite, research is soul-destroyingly boring 99% of the time. Also, are you sure you really want to do a PhD if you don't even know what you're interested in?

Sounds you have no clue, with all due respect.



Hi jorges. I don't know much about computer science research, but a good place to start looking might be the research council(s) websites (which ever research councils support computer science research). They usually have 'priority areas' of research that they want research to focus on. These can be a bit vague (e.g. climate change) but it's a start.

Try and get hold of some up-to-date journals from your library as well and see if there are any common themes that emerge (a particular technique, a particular problem etc). If you are at uni at the moment, don't be afraid to ask lecturers what they think - at the very least they should be able to point you in the right direction.

Research is a very diverse field, so I’m sure you'll come to see that there is potentially a market for research into (more-or-less) every topic.


Jouri & Aloha
I understand what you replied like that. But I am serious to get my head into phD. I want to stick with this forum until i reach to some decision.

You can help me if you know some phd in computer science related online resources.

Your reply is helpful to me and I'll search for Research Councils to make my mind.

btw what do you do?


You're welcome. I'm in biology - the ecological, biodiversity, nature type of biology. Good luck with your search, i'm sure it will all come together in the end, don't let jouri knock your confidence


If you don't mind .. can we talk on IM?

Be sure I am not gonna disturb you unnecessarily ..


I’m more than happy to give advice and support to you, and I understand the position you are in at the moment trying to figure it all out, so please don't take this the wrong way but...

...I'm not too comfortable about handing out any personal contact info to anyone on this forum. I value the anonymity that makes this forum what it is. If the postgraduate forum administrators ever sort out personal IMing (subtle hint guys!) between posters that would be a different story.

If you have any more questions or queries, just post them on this forum. There are some really lovely people on here (like I said, don’t let jouri put you off!), many of whom are better qualified to answer your questions than me!


I'am also in computer science so to speak, though the majority of applications i'am concerned with are combining the biological with the computational.

For me i would say that area is pretty 'Hot' :) certianly up and coming.

Regards Wolfe


Its so nice of you.
I'll live on this forum until I make my mind so at least check my posts once a week

You might not accept it but you have just turned my mind on.
I was also thinking of
bio + cs
but i was not sure about it but i think now i can talk about it.

I got intermediate degree with Biology as major subject.
But Masters degree in CS.

So, what particular topics have touch of both Bio + CS?
and btw what do you do?


Well i have had 4 interviews so far and today just got my 4th rejection :(. So on the bright side there are plenty of opportunities out there :). Also i got a 2.2 on my Biochemistry degree so don't fret about at least getting to the interview stage.

If you are quick there are a lot of doctoral training centres focused on the two disciplines.

Oxford, Warwick (+MOAC), Liverpool, Manchester all have Systems Biology centres / Complexity centres which combine both fields.
Check out FindaPhd and look at computer science section


If your interested here are a few examples i have applied for with regards to named PhDs.

"Investigating genomes and their adaptation using computational evolutionary analysis"
"Development of novel algorithms to identify potential drugs to bind to a protein receptor using in silico screening"
"Developing bioinformatics tools for data mining pyrosequencing data"


Those may be old, here are some more recent ones which may be still active.

"Understanding cellular organisation via analysis of protein structure, function and evolution"
"Antibiotic resistant bacteria in your gut: mathematical and computer models gene networks and population dynamics of plasmids"
"Modelling mitochondrial metabolism and bioenergetics by comparative genomics"
"Learning Classifier Systems"

And finally i have an interview for one this Friday at UCL.
"Application of A.I technologies to rapid Bioprocess development"

The Biologial/Computer science Ph.Ds are definately out there as i would say it is a HOT topic

Regards Wolfe


Friends, it might be a hot topic now.

But after 3-4 years of painstaking research both the topic and your initial enthusiasm will have cooled down, considerably.


Hehehehe, lets hope not eh