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How do you start your day?


When there is a big task ahead of me I often start the day filled with dread, a similar feeling to being lonely - if I am making sense. Do any of you have any tips about how to best start the day when you are filled with thoughts of "I don't think I can do this". When you go to exercise you usually have to warm up with some light exercises first! What about when going to write a piece of work, any motivational tips for getting off to a productive start? I usually start the day by reading emails, even those that I don't need to, and spend too long thinking about what I need to do.


I define my objectives - why do I need to write this; what questions must I answer? Try to get into the frame of mind of your reader.

M, and more coffee. If that doesn't work, coffee and chocolate. repeat until desired effect attained


Manda's way sounds like more fun than my way


I eat a lot of chocolate too...

And I find that keeping a diary helps.


I think a diary or a journal is good idea too. I've got one but i'm not so consistent in updating my daily activities


I am just going to update my diary now, to set some objectives and see if I can get some serious work done here! I have already had the tea and chocolate breaks, so no more excuses!


get a detail plan for everyday work. follow it strictly. and you wont waste your time or get lost


At about 11-30 am, after I've finished watching The Jeremy Kyle Show and doing pointless other things like counting birds in my garden. I'm a master procrastinator and I'm going to have to sort it!


Agree with spiegboy.


I wasted a vast chunk of today worrying about my chapter and doing nothing... and then, about half past three I suddenly had an idea for a case study...and it is viable. And it is so exciting! I am so looking forward to work tmrw! I will rise early, breakfast, swim, work.


It's funny how much easier it is to work when you're excited about something. Wish I could keep that going all the time


I start the day in front of the glowy box of wonder (TV), with tea & toast, watching "Just Shoot Me" then "Will & Grace". I always take that hour for myself in the morning, whatever the work situation, and it really keeps me sane!


I normally start my day with coffee and email, and I review the tasks I'm currently working on and my appointments for that day. I also try to do some smaller tasks first to get me going.

If I have a large task like you mentioned I break it up - breaking a large task up into smaller achievable bits really helps with motivation. I currently have a load of qualitative data to analyse, so I have broken it up into 30 chunks: 10 participants x 3 bits of analysis for each. I have a list of these 30 chunks, and when I complete one I tick it off my list with a MASSIVE tick and reward myself with coffee or chocolate, or even with 20 mins relaxation or reading a magazine.

Working in different places often helps too - e.g. I go to the office and do one chunk of work, have a coffee and do another chunk of work in the library, walk home and have lunch then do another chunk of work while lying on the sofa, etc.


hey! I usually start with a bit of just shoot me and will and grace too, and then a brisk 20min walk to the office gets the oxygen going to the brain, then emails and general messing around on the net for half hour when i get in! however, recently ive noticed that any personal issues im having really stop me working, i can be having a great day and any little disappointments really just knowk me out, cant concentrate at all, any tips for that?! sorry a little off topic, but how do u keep going thru the general malaise?!