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I am being driven bonkers

Hi folks, I am currently being driven bonkers. I have a job interview soon, for a full time permanent post as a lecturer at a department I reeeeaaaaallllyy like working for, and have been on a roller coaster about it since I first heard about the post, and was encouraged to apply etc. I was told, informally that I had an interview straight after the application deadline, about 2 months ago, although my formal notice only arrived last week.

I got loads of guidance with the application form, and hints about what kind of thing to say at interview, so I reckon I'm in with a good chance, and they do seem to like me etc. I socialise a bit with the people who are interviewing me, in fact, I'm meeting them tonight.

This means sooo much to me, I have no money, as I am self funded, and it would mean I'd have the finances to defo pay my fees and finish, plus I realise how seldom these chances come along, and can't see it happening again for quite some time. One minute I'm up, thinking it could be mine, working out where I would live etc, and even planning a holiday for next summer, the next I come back down to earth. The pressure feels immense, and I'm finding it really hard to concentrate on my PhD work. The interview is in 10 days time.

Any thoughts?


Well congratulations on being put forward for this position! Worrying over it will get you nowhere fast and only make you more nervous in the long run. You already have been coached and encouraged by some influential ppl so give yourself a break

The only thing you can do really is just try to put it of your head. I know, easier said than done. But just think of all the things you usually do to procrastinate and try them for a change.

hope that helps!

Thank you Jenn! Yes, I guess I need to try and forget about it, when not prepping, that is. It's just such an amazing opportunity and would end so many of my money worries, but hey ho...

Congratulations on getting the interview, Eska! Even if you don't get the job that's a great achievement and should give great hope for the future.

I agree, it's important to try to put it out of your mind. Not easy! But maybe if you allow yourself a little time (a day or so) to daydream in your spare time about all the good things that could come from the job that would actually help you to shien with enthusiasm for the job in the interview? As long as you don't let the daydreams overwhelm you! I've done this sort of thing before when I've had something major like this to wait for - I let myself enjoy the feelings and the excitement for a short while, then gradually try to pull my enthusiasm in and make myself look more realistically (or pessimistically) at the situation. I find it helps me to focus on the things I need to do while waiting for the big event, and then I find I feel a lot calmer about it when the day actually comes.

But that's just what works for me! Other people may have better suggestions. Good luck with it anyway!


Hi Eska,

I can totally relate!! I was in a very similar state not so long ago! I also had some positive informal communications (was encouraged to apply and was also given the impression that I'd be invited for interview, which I was). So like you one minute I felt positive (even checked out info about the city and accommodation options!) but the next I was consumed with self doubt, thinking other candidates would probably be lots more capable and suitable than me. I worked very, very hard at preparing for the interview. Spent a lot of time crafting answers to potential questions and familiarize myself with the relevant literature. I'm glad to say the interview went ok (could have been better though I feel!) and I was offered the job.

My advice would be to prepare as much as you can. I was worried that I spent too much time preparing for the interview rather than on my own thesis, but in retrospect I would have been even less confident and therefore even more nervous if I didn't do all the preparation work. If you haven't come across these yet, I found and very helpful.

Best of luck Eska!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Thank you Montezuma and Batfink. I think I will spend much of the next ten days preparing, and leave the thesis until I feel I've done enough for the interview. This is such a big opportunity, after all, and perhaps my bain should be allowed to do what it wants, this time! After having diner and drinks with the department last night, and meeting another candidate, I feel much better, which is funny because I thought it would make me worse. I guess, whatever happens it's a really good learning experience and a chance to show off my skills for any future work with them.

Thank you so much for the links Montezuma, they are very useful; I will use them as a plan for my preparation.