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I love my PhD :) It is hard, lotsa work, difficult and I love it :)


There, I thought I would start with a positive title after not checking in here for a bit, with shell-shock from actually starting my PhD as an 'oldie, non-funded, mother of many and having taken a year out of academics'
I go into uni to do a class in fMRI which is basically nuclear physics as far as I am concerned, I am working on my protocol, I have submitted my ethics form, I am reading who knows how many papers and I am supposed to be testing by January as my supervisor is on research leave for 8 months from then. And, I love it. I may eat my words but I want to encourage everyone feeling daunted, just starting, out your depth,older than most (I am nearly 42!!) etc. etc. Go For It, we can do it :)


Hello PinkNeuron! Lovely to hear from you! I was thinking about you just yeasterday. I know what you mean. I couldn't possibly imagine myself without my PhD work. In spite of the up and downs, the dark moments, etc. I am happy to hear that everything is going o.k and that you are already geared up for future research. Your little ones are very lucky indeed!


Yay, nice to here from someone else who isn't all doom and gloom - I love my PhD too!


Hi PinkNeuron
Also mother of a few, Forty-something and starting PhD...very excited and bewildered etc but....loving every minute of it!


Hello. I'm a frensh student and i 'd like to do my pHD in UK. Could you helpme giving me somes laboratories you know. i obtained my master in biologie(endocrino and neuro).
Thank you for your help.


Hello Zazaa!

You're a Frensh student? Where is that on the world map?
Unfortunately I can't give you some laboratories I know, I've just completely run out of them. Expecting a new delivery next week.




Yay! Me too! And I had the worst start imaginable ... wanted out so many times. Keep going & you will get there. The love will come back.


Lol, O.stoll!!!
Wasn't sure how to answer that flyball, so decided to leave it!!!

Yes, the children are so proud of me that sometimes, I think it just keeps me going. Whenever I get a wobbly, I just do something different, like shopping at Tesco and then get back on track. good luck all. :)


hello o stoll;
sorry but i wanted to write "french student". i don't speak and write english as well as i would like.


zazaa, you may want to post in a separate topic using a different heading as it might not get noticed in this topic. Then, at least anyone who knows will notice it far quicker. Sorry, I can't be of any help


onwards and upwards, all phders


I love mine too. Just what I wanted and more.


I love my PhD too! It's up and down. But when you have the ups, you forget about the downs altogether. It's nice when you get things done! I love it I love it!


I love mine too. It's a love in.


I'd like to add that I'm really into my PhD too, I'm only a month or two in though - but it's still great!