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I'm very close to quitting


I'm close to a nervous breakdown. PhD wise, things seemed to go well recently but I just can't stand it anymore. I have almost thrown out my PC monitor out of the window today as I'm fed up with sitting in front of this stupid thing day in day out trying to complete this stupid PhD which I really hate by now. I have 12 more months to go until completion but I have no life anymore. It's making me depressed, grumpy and grey and I just want to leave it all behind.

I hate PhD research !

Ok. I'll calm down now and come back here tomorrow with a (hopefully) fresh mind.


Hi Otto. Take a break, don't do any more work today. It'll be much better tomorrow, you'll see.


12 more months mean 24 months are behind you. Do not underestimate your achievements please...


Thanks 404. Yes, I better take a break.


I'm with 404. Definitely take a break. Do something completely unrelated. Go for a walk, do some exercise, watch a fun, whatever you enjoy.


Sorry, watch a film! What on earth is what a fun? My brain is mush today.


Otto, I felt exactly the same as you at the end of my 2nd year - really started doubting myself and thought about quitting.

My advice to you is DON'T.

Is there any flexibility for you to take some time off? I did, just a couple of weeks without having to think about it. It did the world of good. Also are you doing anything else? Working part time alongside it? It might me a good idea to look at what else you're doing work wise and see if you can streamline it a little to free up some time for more enjoyable stuff.

hang in there


Please don't quit, I don't 'know' you but don't quit, how can I start in Sep knowing you want to quit? Take a break, breathe the good air out there at the moment but don't quit, please


Yup, we've witnessed some of your 'moments' (I've been on the receiving end too ) Not making light of your situation, otto; I get that way too sometimes. It might be good therapy to get out while the sun is shining and just breathe. I find woodlands very soothing - could you take tomorrow off and get to one?


Hi Otto,

sorry that you feel the way you are feeling.
Do you also feel aggressive towards yourself or towards others? Difficulties with patience and getting snappy regarding small things?

If so time to have a break, not necessarily to quit for PhD, with time you feel better again and will renew your energy. Better not to make any major decisions now, so near towards your goal (= PhD)and just give yourself some time!


Hi Otto.. Hope you are feeling better today


You just need a break.

Remember how you feel about PhD quitters?????


hope you're feeling a little more positive today. the sun is shining again...

remember that it's just a long series of little steps - you're most of the way there.


hope you don't quit Otto - after a break, it won't be as bad as it seems. all the best.


Dear All

thank you for your advice and support.
Today I'm feeling much better, I really just needed a break and might take the weekend off completely. I wont quit anymore but yesterday I almost send an email to my advisor saying something like:

"Dear Dr Smith (it's not his real name)

after long consideration I decided that a PhD is not for me and I hereby tender my resignation.

Thanks for your support and my apologies for the inconvenience.

Kind regards


Good job I did not send it!