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Is anyone experiencing problems with searches on the ProQuest platform, or is it just me?



I am wondering if anyone came across problems with timeout message when performing searches on the ProQuest-associated databases (PsychINFO, PsychArtciles, ASSIA, etc)?

Could you please let me know if you have and especially if you have not.

Look forward to hear from you,


I have not, and I am on it daily.


@ jwallscott: Thank you for this info - very helpful indeed. There seems to be a problem at my Uni then. I am trying to export my results to a file/Refworks and keep failing due to the timeout message: "We seem to have encountered a problem. SearchEngineException: Timed out while waiting for query result". I understand I am asking for too much, but if you can access ProQuest without any problem, can I please ask you for a favor to help me to export my search results to a Word.doc file/Refworks shared folder/anywhere else, please. It is very important to me and I would be very grateful. PM me please if you can help. Many thanks, Rina