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Journal Reviews - i dont undersand.


Hiya - hope u are all having a productive morning! I put in an article for a journal in march and found out today that its being put forward for the last roudn of external reviews. It also said that a certain amount got rejected. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Is this email worth forwarding to my supervisors or shall just wait until i find out if its or not. Its my first one which is why I am anxious. Agrh Mini-thesis due in tomorrow - having to sort out future work chapter.... agrh.


Sorry, I'm being a bit thick today and I'm not clear on the situation, what do you mean by "a certain amount got rejected"? Are you saying in general a certain number of papers will be rejected after the last round of reviews or a number of referees have already said your article is not publishable.


It sounds like it's still being considered. If it gets rejected you can try other journals or may need additional work.


I am guessing your paper was not rejected at this round from what you are saying. If your sups are also authors then I would forward the email onto them at this point so that they know how things are moving on. Just my opinion though.

Congrats by the way, it sounds as if the competition was tough. Good luck for the next round.



I agree with Fluffy ... I don't see the problem in sending the email on to your sups. You shouldn't be afraid of letting them know what you're up to/where you're at/general progress (... and if the paper isn't accepted, they should be chuffed that you are making an attempt to submit papers in the first instance).

Fingers crossed it all goes well for you!


Sorry yes was unclear. The email basically said that X amount of manuscripts were recieved. 6 were rejected for some reason or another. But mine was retained and is being reviewd by external reviewers. I honestly don't know if this is an achievement or not! I don;t know if I want my supervisors to know how its going until i get a definate answer. i know others that have submitted - the others I know are readers. I'm just a PhD so it seems unlikely that it'll get in but hey ho thats lifeeee!


it depends on your journal but for my papers it was in-house editors who checked whether it was appropriate material for the journal and then they passed it on to reviewers to verify the quality of the contents.

i would just forward the email on to your supervisors for their reference.


What do you mean you're 'just a PhD'? It's more about the quality of the work and results that decides whether a paper is accepted, rather than the qualifications of the author (in theory, that is).

As for keeping everyone informed, whenever we had papers doing the rounds for journal acceptance, we'd keep each of our other co-authors informed about each step of the process. It's half the fun! It's like a roller coaster ride with ups and downs, amendments, rejections, guessing who the reviewers may be from the feedback received, the political repercussions amongst the ego-driven researchers. There's almost enough emotional content for a reality TV series.