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Postdoc interview outcome


I have two previous postdocs within the UK university and looking for a third postdoc. I have received some interview calls and attended these interviews however I have not received any reply about my status from the university even after a month/fortnight. Has anyone faced the similar situation and can provide any advice. Is it normal. Thanks.


Could the number of years you have been a postdoc be starting to affect your chances here? If you are beyond 5 years, without having secured a fellowship or some money yourself, you might be starting to set off alarm bells.


Hi there
I am not sure what kind of universities you received the interviews from? But, as far as my experiences, if they do not mention anything after a while ( such as 2 weeks, a month or more). It means that they are not interested in your case. I know this is weird but the truth is they do not mind sending a interviewed candidate a goodbye word. I say so because I used to have the same situation like yours. My advice is sending them a nice email saying that you are waiting the response from the interviewer, then do not care about it and start to find another chances for yourself.
Good luck