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Procrastination Thread


Favourite procrastination activities, anyone?


spending half a day arguing with a dogmatic non argumentator on an online forum to realise I haven't prepared my presentation for a seminar the next day.


I do like a bit of - today they have a hilarious video of a math student heckling a comedian..

Some twitter updates can also be interesting. Stephen Fry posted a link today to this story of a National Geographic photographer's encounter with a leopard seal..


Reading... I'll find a good book and then just read away the PhD time. That and Facebook. It's shocking how much time Facebook stalking can take up...


cleaning, although not really a favourite, it's always good when something that really needs cleaning gets done. Making something to eat and stopping for cups of tea and snacks, watching TV and coming onto this forum!


Twitter, Facebook, thinking about the work instead of getting on with it, coffee breaks , walks, TV, tidying :$


Cleaning is always a good place to start, because no matter how long ago you cleaned last you can always find more!


Postgrad Forum, reading blogs, sometimes facebook, and chatting to friends/other PhD students in the department (always longer than you think)

my current fav is staring into space - seems to get rid a few hours. Making copious amounts of tea, researching stuff that is not PhD, like medical complaints or whether there has actually been any research on things that are just bizarre or don't matter.

munching on whatever is around me= have put on a stone in 4 months= very, very bad :-(

[Sneaks quickly hides the bag of wine gums she has finished in under an hour] :$


Today was mainly sleeping, with hourly wakings in order to feel depressed and terrified. It's been a bad patch since I finished that practical work :(

But yes, forums, food and general faffing. I'm destined to be a fattened failure, but with excellent social website skills.

Quote From teek:

Today was mainly sleeping, with hourly wakings in order to feel depressed and terrified. It's been a bad patch since I finished that practical work :(

But yes, forums, food and general faffing. I'm destined to be a fattened failure, but with excellent social website skills.

come join me with my new passion of accountability - I am updating my thread everytime I get a task done - its quite motivating! And I know how you feel - I have been out of it for a few weeks and feel so awful about it :-(


======= Date Modified 18 Nov 2009 13:31:45 =======
Ooh sneaks! I didn't recognize you there with that icon - is that what excessive wine gum consumption does to a person?

Nice procrastination btw: Choosing the devil face, 2 minutes.
Adding a hat that's just right, three minutes.

Ignoring your PhD for a bit, priceless.

And yes, I shall join your thread again Sneaks, coming over right now!

======= Date Modified 18 Nov 2009 13:47:27 =======
haha - I knew someone would notice the adding of the hat! The truth is that I really just want my old blak outfit, black hat and red hair look back but people keep on stealing it :-(