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question about publications


hi everyone, when we write a list of our publications, do we include unpublished stuff as well, for example our theses?? And we put say:

Yamaguci, S., 2009. Exploration.....University X, UK. Unpublished thesis.



I only mention unpublished stuff that is sent to the editors and has received the green light to be published, in, lets say, the next academic issue of X. Stuff that simply sits on my computer... no.


hi marasp, if we put say an unpublished thesis, that would give people an idea of our skills? I've been trawling online and I've seen people put "Complete list of publications" and everything is in it. Or they divide it into articles, reports etc..... ? satchi


On my academia profile I have:

-published papers
-book reviews
-conference reports
-non-academic articles that I have given for the public (e.g. in magazines)
I have also placed the abstract of my PhD on my academia profile. There is nothing stopping you doing so (I asked my supervisor if it was a good idea and he approved).


I meant to say, there is not right or wrong. If you want to place your thesis as a publication before it is published, you can do so - just mention something like 'to be published as a book' next to it. It is normal in my field for VIP researchers to include unpublished PhD theses in the bibliography of their work, as long as this thesis is accessible online (even if it is still unpublished).


hi marasp, thanks :-) your responses have been very helpful
love satchi