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Sulky supervisors – beware, just a rant!


Why can my supervisor not just be honest!! Instead, he becomes sulky without explaining it, while I have to figure out what I‘ve done wrong this time (or not wrong, sometimes I just haven‘t got the slightest clue on why he is sulky). I‘ve come to value honesty greatly. Even though I may disagree, I at least know what the problem is!

Not sure if he is trying to use this in some manipulative way, or if he is just like that in general...

But to be fair, he has these moments, but he is generally a good supervisor :-)


I understand! My supervisor is so good to me, but he does have his sulky moments too!


If he's like that with you, imagine him with his friends/family/wife! Don't worry about it, and don't take it personally-- some people aren't easy to work with. My supervisor is a horror. Mx


Lol! Just replying to this old thread to demonstrate why a lighthearted rant can be a good thing! Not only can they help you feel better at the time, but 6 years later when someone comes along googles "sulky supervisor" thinking they're the only person who has ever had to deal with one, they find this and realise they are not alone. :D


And it's not just me - look at how many times this thread has been viewed!!!