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Supervisor woes


With a title like this, you are probably expecting me to complain about my supervisor and comment on the terrible job he/she has been doing etc. But it is quite the opposite actually. I have a dedicated supervisor and we get along reasonably well. So what’s the problem then? Well, I’m in my final year, I’m supposed to submit my completed dissertation in about 6/7 months and my supervisor has just been diagnosed with cancer. He started chemo yesterday. The prognosis isn’t too good... Of course I am very worried about him and don’t want to make this about me and my fears and this is why I am posting about this on this forum, to get some advice form elsewhere so that I don't bother him with my problems. I counted a lot on his guidance to get me through these last few months, and now I just feel scared and lost and unsure whether I can do this by myself. And I don’t feel the quality of the end product will be the same without his critical and probing feedback. Has anyone been in a similar type of situation? Any advice or even words of encouragement out there? (PS English is not my first language, apologies for any language/grammatical errors.)


Hi Ellebelle,

First of all, I am sorry to hear about your supervisor's diagnosis. He is clearly very committed to his students, such as yourself, and it is a shame that this has struck him.

Cancer does not work on a timetable, so yes this has resulted in unfortunate circumstances. BUT I do not think your situation sounds particularly bad. By that I mean that you are so close to finishing the thesis and submitting, you have done so much work already with your supervisor's guidance and I do not think it is impossible for you to get through your final months alone whilst just keeping all of his previous feedback to hand to make sure that you are not making mistakes that you have made previously. By now, I would imagine that you are familiar with the type of feedback that he gives- use this to be critical about your own work and be very honest with yourself while you do this. For instance, my supervisor tends to point to sections of my writing where I could clarify further, so I always keep this in mind while I write and proof read my work. I hope that this makes sense?

Also, is there someone in your department that you could approach and seek their advice too regarding some guidance from another member of staff maybe to see you through your final months? Obviously, they will not be as familiar with your topic, but an academic to read your work will hopefully give you some reassurance.



Hi there,

If I were you I would ask for a second supervisor. 2 supervisors are better than one, especially because the health of your main supervisor is fragile. My supervisor also went through hell because of personal problems, but I was not in a hurry - after all I was receiving extensions myself. Health is something that is impossible to predict. But PhDs are demanding. So get yourself a second supervisor. Better safe than sorry.


Hi Ellebelle,

I'm so sorry to hear about your supervisor's diagnosis.

Cancer and the treatment required will undoubtedly drain him of his energy, and the likelihood of him being able to continue to provide mentorship and sound supervision is very slim. I do think that seeking out a second supervisor, and speaking with your supervisor about who might be suitable would be ideal. I think it's important for him to hear that you value his supervision and that this isn't a case of you thinking he's not capable, but rather, allowing him the time needed to recover.

I would also approach the department about what you can do.


Hello everyone
Thank you very much for your comments, advice and suggestions. It has given me some perspective on the matter. As per your suggestions, I sent an e-mail to a department member for a meeting to discuss the option of perhaps getting a second supervisor. I think this will actually benefit me as well as my "main" supervisor because then there is also less pressure on him in this difficult time. Thanks for the kind words, I am definitely feeling more motivated and hopeful again today. Good luck to all of you as well!


Oh and Zutterfly, thanks specifically for the idea of using his "type" of feedback to challenge myself, I will definitely try to do it.